104 28/06/17
Read about the success of Imagine Luton, our scheduled Tidy Day and more
Imagine Luton success

Luton BID were proud supporters of the new celebratory arts event, Imagine Luton which took place this weekend.

Town centre streets were brought to life as  local, national and international artists entertained crowds with various theatrical performances, an acrobatic circus and more.

You can view photos and videos from the event on our Facebook page by clicking HERE.

If you'd be interested in getting involved in Imagine Luton next year, email us HERE  and we'll make sure you get all the details running up to the event.

tidy days
Tidy Day

All Luton town centre businesses are invited to take part in our second Tidy Day of 2017.
The two-hour clean-up will take place on Friday 30th June as part of our wider street cleaning programme to improve the appearance and overall feel of the town centre.
Over 25 volunteers from local shops and businesses got involved in the last Luton BID Tidy, collecting 21 bags of litter during the clean-up.
Luton Borough Council will be supporting the event by providing an operative to pick up sharp objects where necessary and collect the waste at the end of the event.
For more details or to register your interest email us  HERE.

BID open meeting for levy payers

Luton BID would like to invite you to attend the upcoming  i nformation  e vening on Wednesday 19 July, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at AW House, Luton LU1 2SJ .
All businesses located in the  BID area,  who are fully up to date with  their  levy payments are invited to attend.
This event will give you the opportunity to:
  • Hear what Luton BID has achieved since it started in 2015
  • Find out what we have planned for 2017/18
  • Hear from and speak with the BID board of directors
  • Meet the Luton BID project manager and the BID Ambassadors 
To register for the event or for further information please email us HERE or call 01582 510 657 giving your full contact details.
The BID's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will also take place on Wednesday 19th July - this event is for BID members and directors only.

Dates for your diary
  • Luton BID Linked - Thursday 29th June
  • Tidy Day - Friday 30th June
  • AGM and BID open meeting for levy payers - Wednesday 19th July
How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. 

Find us on social media
We want to hear from you on  Twitter  and  Facebook  too, so don't forget to follow us or tag @LutonBID in any relevant tweets and like our Luton BID Facebook page. Let's all help promote #Luton town centre on social media, together.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 


Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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