Ebulletin no : 34 17/02/2016

FREE strategic advice for your business
Don't miss the next event in Luton BID's Spring Programme.
Learn how to make your business thrive and grow

Whatever your business, it's important to create a Strategic and Marketing Plan.

Businesses located in the Luton BID area can attend two FREE sessions with a true subject-matter expert - Richard Cooper of ASA Business Growth Consultancy.

Richard will guide you through the process of business planning and strategic growth. He will also cover the range of business support and guidance available - where to go and what you might get.

Read more the sessions  HERE and HERE.

When: Friday, February 19th and Friday, February 26th, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Where: Bedforshire Chamber of Commerce

Book your place on one or both sessions today by contacting Lesley at Luton BID on  01582 510657 or emailing info@lutonbid.org.

This event is part of a three month programme of free events organised by Luton BID and designed to help businesses in Luton town centre increase their profitability in 2016. Learn more about the programme in the Events section on the Luton BID website.
Keep it clean
Luton BID is in the process of arranging cleaning of some key hotspot areas in the town centre. We will initially be targeting  the corner of Bute Street and George Street by the entrance ramp up into The Mall, the corner of Cumberland Street and Park Street, the entrance to Telford Way Car Park and the graffiti in Chapel Street.

If there is a part of the town centre you think needs some additional attention and will make Luton a better place to live and work please do let us know by emailing info@lutonbid.org
Luton Live and Lutonia 2016

Luton BID is delighted to announce a new programme of Luton Live street entertainment, coming to our town centre over the coming months.

Featuring live music, dancing, theatre, comedy and more, the street entertainment aims to encourage more visitors into the town centre and create a vibrant and exciting cultural offering.

The first date will be on Saturday, March 12th.

This coincides with Luton Culture's Lutonia 2016 event, a month-long celebration of the written and spoken word. Look out for a fabulous array of events across Luton - the full schedule is on the Luton Culture website HERE.

Keep an eye on Luton BID's website and Facebook page for more details.
Look out for your levy bill

Luton Council will shortly be issuing BID Levy bills to businesses in the Town Centre. Should you have any queries with regards to your bill, please contact the NNDR team at Luton Borough Council on 0300 790 0349 or via email at revenuesNNDR@luton.gov.uk.

Also included will be a copy of the Luton BID Highlights and Achievements for 2014 showing some of the work carried out by the BID in the past year and providing information on key results.

How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 
or partner interested in BID activity.

The BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbbUK).

Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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