Ebulletin no : 33 10/02/2016

Achieve full marks for food hygiene
Learn directly from the experts at Luton Borough Council - for FREE.
Improve your food hygiene rating

Are you in the food or drink business?

We are working with the Healthy High Streets programme to deliver a free presentation and Q&A on the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.

Food outlets in Wales and Northern Ireland now have to display their food hygiene ratings and England is likely to follow suit. Under this change not displaying hygiene standards will result in heavy fines and additional action where required. 

This session will be delivered by a true subject-matter expert - Liz Bailey from Environmental Health at Luton Borough Council. Read more HERE.

When: Tuesday, March 8th, 10:30am - 11:30am
Where: Santander, George Street

Book your place now by contacting Lesley at Luton BID on  01582 510657 or emailing info@lutonbid.org.

This event is part of a three month programme of free events organised by Luton BID and designed to help businesses in Luton town centre increase their profitability in 2016. Learn more about the programme in the Events section on the Luton BID website.
Keep it clean
Over the next two weekends Luton BID are having some key hotspot areas of the messier parts of the town centre cleaned.

If there is a part of the town centre you think needs some additional attention and will make Luton a better place to live and work please do let us know by emailing info@lutonbid.org.
A message from the BID Project Manager

"Please do make sure you follow Luton BID on Twitter at  @LutonBID and Facebook.

If you'd like to speak to me directly about what you'd like to see Luton BID doing or find out more about what we're trying to achieve, I'd be delighted to come and see you.

Just email info@lutonbid.org and I'll be in touch to find a time that suits you for us to meet. We can discuss how getting involved and  the projects delivered in the BID Business Plan can help your business. Don't be shy, it is pretty hard to help if we don't know what you want!"

Fergus McLardy, Luton BID Project Manager
How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 
or partner interested in BID activity.

The BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbbUK).

Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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