Ebulletin no : 25 24/11/15

Luton BID News & Updates
Are you going Christmas Crackers yet?!

Our first three winners are being unveiled this week and your business could benefit.

Our  Luton Christmas Cracker - is yours the winning ticket? campaign is now in full swing.

Over £2,000 of shopping vouchers and prizes are set to be awarded to 12 lucky winners, all to be spent right here in Luton town centre.  Our Ambassadors have now delivered Christmas Cracker tickets to town centre businesses, so please give these out to your customers, reminding them that this a free prize draw and encouraging them to spend their vouchers in your business, should they win.

Your customers should hand post their completed ticket into one of our Christmas Cracker post boxes. Please let us know if you want more tickets delivered to your business.  For terms and conditions, more details and to download a Christmas Cracker ticket click on our new Luton BID website  HERE .
Blooming beautiful!

Visitors to Luton town centre can now enjoy a rejuvenated George Street, thanks to a series of new planters funded by the BID
Six hexagonal beds have been placed along the street, with Boxus topiary feature plants in the centre of each that will flourish through the winter. An under-storey of euonymus 'emerald gaiety' and spring flowering bulbs in each planter will bring colour and vibrancy in the warmer months.

The BID has funded the planning and first year's maintenance of the planters, as part of its remit to ensure that the town centre and all its different areas are attractive and appealing to residents, workers and visitors. Read more HERE.
Lighting up Luton

Don't miss out and make sure you get along to t he town's Lighting up Luton event this Saturday, 28th November. Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain will be switching on Luton's Christmas lights. 

She will also show her support for our festive campaign Luton Christmas Cracker - is yours the winning ticket? by meeting the BID's first three Christmas Cracker winners.

The BID is hosting a series of events in the lead up to Christmas. Click HERE to find out more about our festive programme.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity


Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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