Weekly PTA Update - June 21st, 2024

Upcoming Events

LHE Calendar on the website HERE.

Upcoming Holidays/ Cultural Celebrations LHE Families May Be Celebrating:

Important Links

LH PTA Website

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SPS Website

The 2023- 2024 LHE School Year is in the Books!!! Wow!

The PTA board would like to say thank YOU for an amazing year! What a great community we have at Loyal Heights.

Want to volunteer but not sure where to start? Take a look at some of the things PTA hosted this year: Summer Playdates, Meet the Teacher, Coffee Chats, Move-a-Thon,Trading Post, Bake Sales, Diversity Book Team, Spooky Beaver Halloween, Harvest Night, Multicultural Nights, Family Dance, Neurodiversity Trainings and Events, Yearbook, Bike to School, Clean Up the Campus/ Earth Day, Room Parents, Book Fair, Field Day and MORE!

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered this year at school: in classrooms, chaperoning field trips, helping teachers make copies and prep materials and so, so, so much more!

You all make this a special school community and a place our teachers, staff and students can thrive! THANK YOU!

All of the board and committee chair positions are filled for next year but if you are interested in joining a committee or helping out with an event, please reach out to Angela and Alexa or contact the committee directly.


To encourage summer reading and avoid the "summer slide", the LHE Literacy Team has compiled the following resources to distribute. 


Summer Shelfie - All students can complete the Shelfie by recording books they read over the summer. It was sent home with students. You can download a copy HERE.

Completed Shelfies should be returned to the library during the first week of school for a bookworm. 


2024 Summer Reading Programs - THIS resource page has loads of summer reading initiatives for students to take part in. A few of the links will not be updated until mid-June. This resource was created by my colleague, librarian Susan Finnegan, of McDonald International School.


Summer Reading Suggestions - THIS resource page lists all of next year's award nominees. These will be the titles featured in next year's 12 to Try Challenge of students want to get a head start on some great new reads! This document was created by the SPS NE Librarians PLC. 


 5th grade teachers already received the packet from Whitman. Though requested, I have not received materials from any other middle schools.

Keep READING all summer!

- Mrs. Blangy

From the New Parent Education Committee: Summer Learning

There is no one "right" way to approach learning over the summer. It will look different for each family and at different grade levels. That said "summer slide" or "summer learning loss" is real, but summer can also be a great time for kids to learn about and try new things different from those in the classroom while also keeping skills like reading, math and writing fresh for next year.

To get you started on the topic check-out:

Podcast on Summer Learning (from various perspectives) for parents. From Slate's Parenting Podcast: Preventing Summer Backslide.

More resources and ideas coming next week in a special PTA edition newsletter. Enjoy the first weekend of summer vacation!

LHE Jump Start 2024

Do have or know of a family that will have an incoming kindergartener? Loyal Heights is pleased to announce that the Jump Start program will be returning for the summer of 2024.

For details, please go to the Resources/Jump Start page.

 Graduating 5th Grade Families: Volunteer for Whitman Hall Crew


Congratulations on finishing up elementary school! Moving on to middle school is a big transition and often brings with it feelings of nervousness for both students and parents. One way to ease those nerves is to get involved at your middle school. In the fall, we will be looking for volunteers to be a part of the Hall Crew during lunchtime at Whitman. It’s a great way to help out and see what’s going on in the school.


Hall Crew volunteers come to Whitman during lunchtime once or twice a month to be a friendly adult face in the hall or at the ball cart and remind students to follow school rules. You will work with the same team on your day, so it’s a nice way to get to know some other parents at the school, as well as the staff. Hall Crew is a great way to feel part of the Whitman community!

Please email us at:

WhitmanPTSAHallCrew@gmail.com if you are interested and you will receive communications in the fall. 

If you want to talk to a former LHE parent that is currently volunteering with the Whitman Hall Crew feel free to contact: tristansymons@hotmail.com

Together we can be a positive and caring presence to all kids at Whitman!

Have a 5th Grader Going to Witman Next Year?

We wanted to send the communications going out on Whitman Middle School registration for the incoming 6th graders. Our registrar is Elaine Llandover and be contacted via email: elllandover@seattleschools.org

The Whitman website has all the information you need as well.

Seattle Artist League Youth and Teen Camps (ages 9-17)

Week-long camps running from July 8 - Aug 2

Join us for camps on Wheel Throwing, Clay Sculpting, Painting, Drawing, and more!

See flyer HERE for more information.

Webpage:   https://www.seattleartistleague.com/product-category/youth-teen-camps/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seattleartistleague/  

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SeattleArtistLeague/

LHPTA 2023-2024 Business Sponsors

About LHPTA News

The Loyal Heights Parent-Teacher Association (LHPTA) provides information on our organization's activities as well as school-related news on a regular basis via email. Please contact Rachel Zell or Abby Anzalone, LHPTA Communications Directors, with any questions.

About Loyal Heights Parent-Teacher Association

The Loyal Heights PTA is proud of our ongoing commitment to our learning community and our support of Loyal Heights Elementary. We are vital to Loyal Heights' strong tradition of family involvement. As PTA members, we are part of an active local, state and national organization: the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation. For more information, see loyalheightspta.org and  www.wastatepta.org