September 17, 2023 / 2 Tishrei 5784
LS/MS Newsletter
Student safety is #1

We want to thank you all so much for the overwhelming support from our families and communities this week as we navigated the lock down situation. We are so proud of our teachers and students for how they responded to the event! Our number one job as school leaders is to keep your students safe and we are continuing to learn and grow from this experience. Please continue to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns — we are here for you! 

— Chaya Kenigsberg + Whitney Hurwitz
MAP Assessments
We are excited to begin MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing this week. MAP is a computer adaptive test that helps teachers, administrators, and families support student academic growth. This assessment will replace the Star 360 assessment that has been used in previous years. All students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade will be taking MAP over the next two weeks, and again in the winter and spring. Results will give teachers a baseline on your child's academic strengths and opportunities for growth. Taking these assessments each year will also allow us to continuously monitor academic progress. 

There is no preparation needed for your child before taking the test, but we ask that you help encourage your child to try their best. Results from the MAP assessment will be shared in mid/end of October and will be discussed during parent/teacher conferences in November. We will also offer a few informational learning sessions for families to learn more about MAP results once results have been shared.
Rosh Hashanah
Our week has been filled with countless meaningful activities to help your students learn and prepare for a sweet new year:
Our student-led Rosh Hashanah Buddy Program united Middle School and High School students to foster a shared sense of belonging. Together, our students baked carrot muffins, crafted heartfelt Shana Tova messages, and hand-delivered these baked goods to Jewish seniors.
Rabbi Yoel Gitler visited our Kindergarten students to demonstrate how traditional ram horn shofars are made.
Wishing all a גמר חתימה טובה
— G'mar Chatima Tova!
2:25 pm Mon, Sept 18: Early Dismissal — Tzom Gedalia
Fri, Sept 22: K-8 Shabbat Assembly

Mon, Sept 25: No School — Yom Kippur

9 am Tue, Sept 26: Delayed Start (Doors open 8:40 am)

Noon Fri, Sept 29: Early Dismissal — Sukkot
Host our Bnot Sherut: Please welcome Tamar and Ayelet for Shabbat meals over the Chaggim and Shabbatot during the school year:
For your Shabbat table: Challah may be ordered directly from Ron the Baker (email). Orders will be delivered to your child in their classroom on Friday morning to bring home.
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