Test Vit D levels  AT HOME
Pain is the #1 reason patients seek our care at InnerMovement.  People understand that muscle tension, nerve pressure and injury lead to musculoskeletal pain but they are often surprised when we tell them that
low serum Vitamin D levels could also be the cause of their chronic pain.

Patients presenting with symptoms of: all over body aches, spinal joint tenderness, bone loss or arthritis, muscles that are painful to the touch, fatigue, hormone imbalance, low immune function and depression are VERY LIKELY low in serum Vitamin D. LEARN MORE
Best Sources of Vitamin D:
1.  Sunlight (20mins/day with 80% skin exposure) 
2.  High Quality Vit D supplement 2000 IU/day
Call 818.549.1300
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Vitamin D & Bone Health

Vitamin D makes up the Bone Matrix  
Calcium makes up the Outer Shell of bone

Your body needs Vit D to Absorb Calcium

Natural ways to relieve pain

Listen...than spread the word.

What does the research say?

The UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine fully supports the 3,000 year-old healing technique of acupuncture for relief of pain, to improve sleep, digestion, and overall emotional well-being.

Web MD says research has shown that chiropractic can be helpful in treating neck pain and  headaches. They also state that chiropractic treatments and deep tissue massage can help osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. 

The Mayo Clinic lists pain relief as a major benefit from Massage Therapy for conditions such as headaches, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, soft tissue strains or injuries, sports injuries, and temporomandibular joint pain.

Healthline.com advises patients to try natural remedies for arthritis pain such as acupuncture, massage, turmeric, and herbal supplements. According to the Arthritis Foundation, regular massaging of arthritic joints can help reduce pain and stiffness, and improve range of motion.

How do you know when to come to Inner Movement for PAIN? 
When the pain doesn't go away. When it's worse in the morning. When you are taking over-the-counter pain meds but the pain persists. When you feel like crying because it hurts so much. When the pain begins to radiate to other spots. When the pain interferes with your normal activities. When you had an accident that could have caused an unseen trauma deep in your body.

You don't have to suffer needlessly.
Come in and get a treatment plan for your pain.

Heal instead of Hurt.

Inner Movement | InnerMovementChiro@gmail.com  | 818.549.1300 | www.InnerMovement.net