24/7 Hotline:
(516) 542-0404
Thursday, October 19, 2017
This year's Gala honored
Sandy Oliva
for her 32 years of service as Executive Director and her commitment
to our community.
Together, we raised
to continue that commitment!
The David S. Taub Award was accepted by Paul Fleishman, Vice President/ Public Affairs and Dale Cole, Community Affairs/ Project Manager on behalf of
Newsday Charities.
The Safe Centers Board Of Advisors Were Recognized for their years of Support and Commitment to The Agency.
Thank you to everyone
who helped us celebrate the accomplishments
and bright future of The Safe Center!
Special Needs Fund
In Honor of Sandy Oliva
To commemorate her many years of
dedication to keeping those in our communities
safe and free from harm, The Safe Center has established The Sandy Oliva Special Needs Fund in cooperation with The Judith C. White Foundation who has generously pledged $5,000 a year for five years to begin this fund
Donations desi
gnated to this fund will directly support expenses incurred annuall
y to purchase basic necessities for Safe Center clients and their families.
Approximately 4,400 survivors and families
are served by The Safe Center annually.
Being able to assure the victim that we can provide such support to them and their family during a difficult time is so important to the overall healing process.
If you would like to pay tribute by making a d
onation in honor of
Sandy's incredible work with victims of violence and abuse, please contact
Francine Medaglia at 516.465.4748 for more information
or visit
tscli.org to make an online donation
Please indicate Sandy Oliva Special Needs Fund in the memo line.
Restoring Hope:
In Their Words
We are excited
to share this video featuring four remarkable stories of
from survivors
at The Safe Center.
You won't want to miss this powerful project created by
Dynamics of Domestic Violence
This Power and Control Wheel shows the primary tactics and behaviors abusers use to
gain and maintain POWER & CONTROL in their relationships.
The wheel highlights the connection of
physical violence to other forms of abuse.
The Annual
Nassau County Domestic Violence Awareness Ceremony presented by The Nassau County Executive's Task Force on Family Violence and The Safe Center was hosted at Hofstra University on October 11th
The event aims to
educate the community about the realities of domestic violence, honor those fighting against it, and offer resour
ces for those affected by these issues.
Our red "silent witnesses" represent
those lost to domestic violence.
Students stop to read these stories.
His resiliency, streng
th and continued support from The Safe Center have all helped him on his journey of healing. Today, he recognizes the importance of this support and hopes to
be an advocate and a voice for young people experiencing abuse.
Anthony recalls a specific time where he recently reconnected with an old neighbor. The neighbor admitted that in their town, they knew of the torment that Anthony and his family were undergoing,
but chose not to say anything. The takeaway, says Anthony,
How can you tell if your relationship is abusive, as opposed to just challenging, difficult, or even unhealthy?
Experts agree that abusive relationships all have one thing in common: an unequal distribution of power between the abuser and the partner they are abusing.
Abusers work to gain and then maintain power and control over their victims and can accomplish this with a variety of tactics,
physical violence being only one.
Often victims blame themselves, thinking if they changed their behavior, things would improve. That is a common misconception in an abusive relationship, and one that the abuser relies on to continue to take power away from his victim.
Here are some common things that may occur in an abusive relationship.
If you are experiencing any of these things, your partner may be harming you. There is help.
- Calls you names, puts you down often, tries to humiliate you
- Hits you, intimidates you, threatens you
- Isolates you from family, friends or work
- Shows unreasonable jealousy or possessiveness
- Withholds or restricts your access to money
- Forces you to have sex or perform sexual acts you do not consent to
This is
not a
complete list of the dynamics of Intimate Partner Abuse.
is an excellent resource if you're trying to find out more about the dynamics of abusive relationships.
Mr. Bancroft was the keynote speaker at our 2017 Many Faces of Family Violence conference and is regarded as one of the foremost authorities in the United States on Intimate Partner Abuse.
speaking on the
#METOO social media movement
in support of sexual assault and harassment survivors
The Safe Center was proud to participate in
on October 26th
Along with over 90 Long Island-based Nonprofits working together to create a stronger Island for ALL
Long Islanders.
to our friends, families supporters
and champions
for helping us raise
Of Hope
Thanks to the generosity of
Astoria Bank
3 beautiful hand-painted murals were installed this mon
th at The Safe Center.
" It is our hope that these local, sooth
ing scenes
bring c
omfort to all that view them. "
Walking for Harmony...
On October 22nd
We joined our partners
at their annual walkathon against
Domestic Violence at Eisenhower Park
provides culturally sensitive and linguistically diverse services such as counseling, connections to
resource information, referrals and emergency assistance to survivors of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month may have ended, but our fight to eliminate family and sexual violence continues strong...
Enough Abuse Training:
Strategies for Your Family and Community
November 8th
at The Safe Center. Open to the public.
Holiday Gift Card Drive
Going On Now
We are requesting gift cards in $25 denominations
or monetary donations for purchase of gift cards.
Send gift cards to:
The Safe Center
15 Grumman Road West
Bethpage, NY 11714
ATTN: Debbie Lyons
Champions* for Charity Shopping Benefit
November 30th - December 3rd
Participating Americana Manhasset and select Wheatley Plaza stores
and restaurants will donate 25% of designated full-price pre-tax
purchases to the local or national charity of the customer's choice.
*Champion Card is complimentary but required.
Already registered in 2016? No need to sign up again.
If you need to replace a lost card, or forgot your account number,
Shop Well & Do Good
Going On Now through August 31st
Fortunoff Fine Jewelry will donate
20% of your pre-tax purchase to The Safe Center.
Use code SAFE17 in store or online.
November 28th is Giving Tuesday.
Make a donation In Honor of Sandy's Retirement.
Money donated on this day will go towards The Sandy Oliva Special Needs Fund.
Nassau County Women's Bar Association
Now Until December 4th
Make a donation to the Nassau County Women's Bar Association Annual Mittens Drive.
Net proceeds from this event support legal services offered to adult and child victims of abuse.
December 2017
The Magic of Winter Shopping Event
December 7th
Come shop with us at Port Pop-Up Boutique on December 7th from 6-9pm.
A percentage of your full-price pre-tax purchase will be donated to The Safe Center
Port Pop-Up Boutique is located at:
142 Main Street
Port Washington, NY
Toiletries and Clothing Drive
This Holiday Season
Our client families are in desperate need.
The Safe Center is requesting toiletries, supplies/paper goods, clothing,
baby care items, and cleaning supplies, to be given to the families we serve.
We cannot accept any used items or clothing.
For questions or to donate,
please contact our Housing Case Manager,