News and Updates

September 22, 2023

Blue Ridge Pride Parade

The Blue Ridge Pride Parade is on Saturday, September 30th. Anyone wanting to participate and walk in the parade as part of Haywood Street is welcome to park at the Haywood Street parking lot. We'll leave the HSC parking lot by 9:45 a.m. and walk to the gathering spot at 16 S. French Broad St., the parking lot right next to Summit Church. Or, you can meet us at 16 S. French Broad St. at 10:00 a.m.

*In addition, we are still looking for companions to represent us at our booth after the procession! If you would like to sign up for a 2-hour time slot, contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Tiffany.*

Blessing of the Animals Services October 1 & 4

We recognize our mutual interdependence with God's creatures and acknowledge the joy, beauty, love, and diversity offered through their presence.

To demonstrate our thankfulness and care for the gift of animals, during our worship services on Sunday, October 1st and Wednesday, October 4th, we'll have a time dedicated to blessing the animals.

Everyone is invited to bring their beloved animal to receive a special blessing.

Patio Update!

The cement is poured and the serving window is in! The patio project is coming along. Only a few more steps to go before we can open it for dining. We look forward to having the extra space for the Downtown Welcome Table.

Update on the Story Circle

We are still making plans to start the Story Circle back up. Find more information and ways to support the start-up of this ministry on the website!

6 Days to Register!

Registration for Golf for Awareness closes on Thursday, September 28th! Head to our events page on the website to sign up!

Companion Gathering Rescheduled

The Companion Gathering and Training has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 5th, at 1:00 p.m., in the dining room. Lunch will be provided.

Contact Katlyn for more information. We hope to see you there!

Respite Meal Train 

Every night of the week Respite is in need of dinner for our friends staying in Respite.

If you would like to sign up you can do so here on our Meal Train.

On-going opportunities to participate at the Welcome Table:

  • Have a meal! - Join us on Sunday or Wednesday to enjoy a meal with our community!

  • Dining Room Clean Up - As always, clean up is one of the places that we need companion support. We promise to make it fun! On Sundays, we need companions from 10:00-12:00, and on Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00

  • Kitchen Clean-Up - On Sundays from 10:00-12:00 and Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00, we would love for a couple of companions to help us clean up the kitchen and help serve the folks who come in during that time for a meal. You can sign up for this role on the sign-up sheet below!
Sign Up

Haywood Street in Photos

One of our faithful dish room companions, Frog. Just don't let that wit and cheek fool you. He has a remarkable compassion and tenderness for his family and friends. We love you, Frog!

Terry, Wendy, and Jinnia taking some time to catch up after the meal on Wednesday.

The group from Asheville Catholic School who visited the Downtown Welcome Table.

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:


Sundays at 11:00 and Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Tuesday Haywood Street Holy Ground Keepers:

8:30 a.m. in the parking lot. Walk the grounds of the church campus and our local neighborhood, cleaning up along the way.

Tuesday Prayer Group: 12:30 p.m. in Room 6. Gather for a time of communal prayer.


Wednesday Card Making: 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Gather together to make cards for our community and friends in prison or in the hospital. 

Weekly Sermons

Read each week's sermon and previous sermons on the stories and sermons page of the website.

Community Resources

Click below to see a list of places in the community to donate and find clothes, and when recovery meetings are held.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Sundays 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

By appointment, contact April at


Love, Blessings, and Forgiveness

by Calvin "Gas" Bailey

I look around and all I see is these walls

I didn't realize until now that it was God that called

The Spirit comes to me and I come back to my senses 

Just to look out my window and see miles of barbed wire and fences 

Questioning if love is really existent 

Is it my faith or is it realistic? 

I'm trained to believe that he died on a cross for me 

Why can't I see it clearly? 

I know that he loves me dearly!

Who else would give their son to die on a cross? 

So I could be a Boss!

So we wouldn't have to be lost no matter what the cost

Thank you God for all that you do

For your love, blessings and forgiveness to 

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.