Issue 26 - June 25, 2017
Editors Note...

The loving Lord has time and again reminded us about engaging in service, all the time.  Hanuman stands for the dual principle - Man Mein Ram, Haath Mein Kaam - on one side we must remember God's name, and on the other side we do God's work. Swami has even said that we don't have to study scriptures, we don't have to undertake any pilgrimages, nor do we have to undertake great penance and austerities. He tells us to simply remember the Lord and do service to others, which will redeem us, and give ever lasting peace. 

Swami's message to the Sai Youth around the world this week:

"Only as long as one can serve others with their hands, body and mind, one should live. When you are young, all your faculties are strong. The mind is sharp and intelligent, and the heart is full of enthusiasm and purity, lot of work must be done. As age progresses, hands may become weak, which is natural. At that point in time, with a head which would have gained a lot of experience and knowledge from the world, and a heart which would have become more and more compassionate and full of love, you must still engage in serving others. As you age more, when both hands and mind may not be capable of serving, a heart full of love should still be able to serve others. There is no excuse for not engaging in some sort of service. Till the last breathe, one must engage is Seva! Set an example for others. Looking at you, others must learn!"

Yours in His Service

Bhuvana Santhanam

Service Updates
Alumni and Annapoorna Team Host IIM Bangalore Students
June 21, 2017: A group of one hundred and forty students of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore visited the Muddenahalli campus to study the free Education and Healthcare models, along with the Annapoorna breakfast Seva programme. This involved a presentation on each of the three programmes and a guided tour to one of the institutional campus..(pages 1-4)
SAPIENS INDIA Joined Hands with Annapoorna Trust
June 23, 2017: As part of CSR Activities, about 25 employees of Sapiens India (a leading global provider of software solutions for the insurance industry, with a growing presence in the financial services sector) visited Doddabelle village in South Bangalore and participated in the community volunteering. The Team joined hands with Annapoorna Trust and got involved in a series of social activities from morning 7 AM until afternoon. (Pages 4-8)
 Volunteers from ORACLE INDIA joined hands with Annapoorna Trust
Thirty-five volunteers from Oracle India participated in the CSR activity drive on June 17th.

Along with the volunteers from Annapoorna - the team has visited the below five villages at Chikkaballapur Taluk , Karanataka.

1. Thowdanahalli
2. Thimanahalli
3. Keligenathota
4. Kondenahalli
5. Kedasigenahalli 

The visit concentrated on oral hygiene, clean drinking water & tree plantation... (pages 9-13) 

Testimonial from Kavya Mishrikoti one of the Volunteers from Oracle India who participated in the CSR activity at Chikkkaballapur on June 17th...(pages 14-15)
 Set Up of New Toilets at GHPS Mylapanahalli School, Chikkaballapur
GHPS Mylapanahalli Schools has a strength of about 80 children with about 45 boys and 35 girls. The school doesn’t have a toilet at the premises and many of the children are used to open defecation. The Trust has taken the responsibility to set up two toilets (one for boys and one for girls)...(pages 15-16)
Pre-opening Ceremony Vasthu Shanthi Puja Performed at Newly Constructed Medical Centre
Batticaloa youth members organised Vasthu Shanthi a religious ceremony appeasing the natural elements and paying regards to Mother earth, in the newly built Medical Centre in the Ashram site. This Puja was performed on sixteenth night at the auspicious time, to ensure the safety and well being of the people who are going to acquire the premises....
Refreshment Dansal - Batticaloa

More than four thousand people from Kirankulam village and surrounding villages, who came for Kumbabishekam event, were served chilled fresh orange and pineapple juice. The temple trustees had greatly appreciated and acknowledged Sai Youths of Kirankulam for their well-organised service....

Bhajan Classes for Children

Kathiraveli and Batticaloa youths together conducted a Bhajan tutor session for Kathiraveli orphanage children....

Encouraging Spiritual Activities of Youth

As a step to encourage children to attend religious and spiritual activities, the youth of Colombo came forward to provide a nutritional breakfast to a batch of 250 students....

Providing Relief for the Flood Victims

Just as prayers were said, the most compassionate Lord guided us to one of the most affected, interior village. Some houses in that village has completely gone under water and everything they had had been washed away....

Service Knows No Breaks
The inspired youth of Middle East continue to bring more smiles and spread more happiness to people around, during the holy month of Ramadan wherein charity holds the most prominence. The youth had made a firm resolve to set aside their savings along with considerable amount of time during the weekends to bring in visible change in the life of blue-collared workers in the region who barely manage to make their ends meet. 

Ramadan in Middle East is unique. Charity and philanthropy is at its peak during this month...(pages 1-2)
Real Happiness Lies in Giving
A group of vibrant youth from Nigeria continues to set up an example for dedicated and selfless service. These youths consider it as their responsibility to serve breakfast at a primary school in their locality. They have selected every Thursday of the week to meet up for this very sacred and divine activity at Ereko Methodist Primary School, Lagos, largest city in Nigeria....(pages 1-3)