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Loud & Clear

May 2024

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Welcome New Members!

Ruth Banks

Katherine Kreusser Young

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Up Next

Welcoming the Stranger: The Immigrant and Refugee Experience in St. Louis, Thurs., May 9

Criminal Legal System Reform Task Force Meeting, Weds., May 15

Advocacy Committee Meeting, Mon., May 20

Campaign for Common Sense Gun Solutions Committee Meeting, Mon., May 20

Attainable Housing Task Force Meeting, Tues., May 21

Racial Justice Committee Meeting, Fri., May 24

Words from Our President

Sondhaus image

Membership is the Heart of WV’s Work

True to its beginnings almost twenty years ago, Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice remains a membership-driven grassroots organization. Even with the significant contributions of our wonderful paid employees, the bulk of our social justice work remains in the hands of our dedicated members who volunteer their time and talent to help us as an organization fulfill our mission. We also rely on our members to contribute financially to ensure WV’s ongoing survival and success. Without generous and consistent member and donor financial support our organization will not endure.

The words of the National Council of Nonprofits remind us of why our members’ work and our organization’s existence are so important: “Charitable nonprofits embody the best of America. They provide a way for people to work together for the common good, transforming shared beliefs and hopes into action. They give shape to our boldest dreams, highest ideals, and noblest causes.” Although it is easy to see the benefit of those organizations that provide tangible direct services, it may be harder for us to recognize the essential benefits of the nontangible resources WV provides. Our educational programs, advocacy activities, and direct social justice work provide our members with opportunities to greatly increase their individual influence. We also create a special community where members can join hundreds of other women who passionately share their commitment to social justice. Where else can you find a connection as special as that?

It is time to demonstrate your investment in WV’s next 20 years by joining for the first time or renewing your current membership and donating generously to our spring campaign. With your help, we will preserve WV’s stellar reputation of integrity and a deep commitment to creating a just and equitable St. Louis.

~ Liz Sondhaus

Join Us In Cultivating a More Just World!

Support Women's Voices

Contributions to the Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice spring campaign are used to support our education and advocacy work. Your contribution of any amount is greatly appreciated!

Please make a gift today to support the Women's Voices spring campaign!

Majority Rule at Stake in MO

At the April 5 Lunch & Learn, M'Evie Mead, director of strategic partnerships at Missouri Jobs with Justice and facilitator of the Will of the People Coalition, explored the history of initiative petitions in our state and reviewed current challenges in the Missouri legislature aimed at reshaping this important citizen-driven tool. (Watch the recording here.)

Last week, the Missouri House of Representatives passed SJR 74. SJR 74 would require constitutional initiative petitions to pass by not just a majority of all votes cast, as is the case now, but also by a majority of votes in a majority of the state’s eight Congressional districts. This means that measures approved by a majority of Missouri’s voters may not pass into law, allowing a minority of citizens to determine policy outcomes.

The measure now goes back to the Missouri Senate, where a filibuster is expected to challenge the inclusion of the “ballot candy” provisions. If approved there, the proposed change would go to the ballot for approval by Missouri voters.

Call and write the your State Senator TODAY and tell them you OPPOSE this bill and any measure that changes the initiative petition process advancing in the legislature.

Welcoming the Stranger: The Immigrant and Refugee Experience in St. Louis

Thursday, May 9, 7 p.m.

Center of Clayton

50 Gay Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63105

Read more and register here.

Have you ever been to a foreign country and needed help? How did you find it? Did you feel welcome? Currently the St. Louis area has around 135,000 immigrants, which accounts for about 4.8% of the population.

We’ll hear from Sal Valadez who arrived here from Mexico and from Moji Sdiqi, who made her way from Afghanistan. Valadez and Sidiqi will share their personal stories of being immigrants to the US, finding their way to St. Louis, and their dedication to serving the immigrant populations in our area. Valadez and Sidiqi will inspire us and share what we can do to support their efforts as they work to make our neighbors feel welcomed and be successful in our St. Louis region.

Join WV Members at Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing

Few Saint Louisans know about the Underground Railroad site on the Mississippi Greenway Riverfront Trail. Despite having a national park named in her honor in 2001, even fewer know who Mary Meachum was & why she is so honored. 

Join Women's Voices Racial Justice Committee members at the Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing as we observe the 22nd annual Mary Meachum Celebration at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 16. Learn the history of this abolitionist and the daring escape she organized in May 1855 as historical reenactors portray the saga of the first nationally recognized Underground Railroad site in Missouri. 

Directions and more information about the celebration are available at at Great Rivers Greenway.

If you'd like to coordinate/carpool with other Women's Voices members for this event, please let us know here!

April Program Recordings Available

Women's Voices hosted several educational events in April. Visit our website to find recordings of each our Thursday Evening Programs here and our Lunch & Learns here.

Theda Wilson, founder and president of Looking For An Angel, joined us for our April Thursday Evening Program. Wilson described how her organization works to increase awareness of missing persons and to help families navigate the missing persons process. Wilson created the organization in memory of her missing murdered child, Christian Taylor Ferguson.

Professor Mark Wrighton, former chancellor of Washington University and past president of George Washington University, spoke about challenges in higher education at a Lunch and Learn session on April 17.

On April 25, Jeanette Mott Oxford provided an overview on the importance of Medicaid. Paraquad Medicaid ambassadors Everlene Falconer and Constance Phillips-Gray shared their experiences with Medicaid and the difference it has made in their own lives.

Women's Voices Members Respond to Injustice!

Mary Schuman, in her letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, writes that it is time to pass Clean Slate legislation.

Have something to submit for Loud & Clear?

Loud & Clear is the official monthly e-newsletter of Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice and is usually distributed on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month. The general deadline for article submission is the Wednesday prior to publication. Click here to contact editor Laura Rose.

Membership Info

Even if you can’t come to meetings or become personally involved, your membership is important…and greatly appreciated.

Benefits of Membership

When you join Women’s Voices you:

  • Make our voice stronger when we advocate with elected officials.
  • Provide support to the organization by adding your name to our advocacy efforts.
  • Provide ideas and suggestions to help determine how to define our positions and choose our causes.
  • Participate in advocacy activities in any way that you want or is possible for you.
  • Take pride in your affiliation with a strong, progressive group of women working for social justice.
  • Help cover our administrative and outreach costs through your dues.

Annual Dues:

$60 (Regular Membership)

$100 (Silver Level)

$150 (Gold Level)

$20 (Student Membership)

New members join here

Renewing members renew here or

Send a check (payable to Women's Voices) to: 

Women's Voices

698 W. Lockwood Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63119

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