Greetings members, supporters and friends of Women’s Voices Raised!
My name is Jean Calandrino, the recently elected Vice-President and Treasurer of WVR. I am an alumna of the University of Notre Dame (1977, B.S. Biology) and Washington University (2000, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology). My experience includes membership on the boards of Webster Child Care Center and The College School, as well as several volunteer positions for organizations involved in education and fundraising. It is my honor to now be a member of the Women’s Voices Raised Board!
Like many of you, I have been watching the Olympic Games and marveling at the skill, determination, passion and commitment that the athletes demonstrate every day. It occurs to me that those are the same qualities shown by the members and the board of Women’s Voices as we pursue our goal of attaining a just, equitable and safe world free of discrimination and intolerance. We realize that our aim is a lofty one, like winning an Olympic medal. However, just as the athletes step closer to winning with every practice, we move toward our goal with every gun lock distributed; every person made aware of a social injustice; every new voter registered; and every call to action to support the rights of women, children, and marginalized groups. Alone my voice feels small and soft, but if we join our voices together, we ROAR! Become a member of and donor to Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice and HELP US ROAR!
August 26 is Women’s Equality Day in celebration of the 104th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution which gave women the right to vote. In honor of our foremothers who risked and sacrificed so much as they fought for us to be able to have our voices heard, please make a pledge to vote on August 6 and November 5, 2024.
Women’s Voices hosted postcard-writing sessions in which we prepared and sent out hundreds of postcards to people in the St. Louis area reminding them to vote on August 6. Visit our August 6 Voting Guide for information about Tuesday’s election.
Learn more about voting rights, voter registration, and ways to help get out the vote by checking the League of Women Voters and When We All Vote websites. Both are nonpartisan organizations.
I am excited to be a voice in the Women’s Voices family! I look forward to our upcoming, informative and interesting monthly Thursday Evening Programs (details coming soon on our website and in Loud & Clear). I hope to meet you at these gatherings so that I may get to know more of our amazing members and supporters. You can also contact me at with any questions, suggestions and comments.
Jean Calandrino