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Loud & Clear

July 2024

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Welcome New Members!

Joanne Fritz

Martha Riley

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Up Next

Volunteer Opportunity: Get Out the Vote & Gun Locks, Tues., July 9

Criminal Legal System Reform Task Force Meeting, Weds., July 10

Thursday Evening Programs Planning Meeting, Weds., July 10

Volunteer Opportunity: Get Out the Vote & Gun Locks, Thurs., July 11

Attainable Housing Task Force Meeting, Tues., July 16

Advocacy Committee Meeting, Mon., July 24

Words from Our President

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Hello Women's Voices members and friends and welcome to summer! I hope you're enjoying it! Many of our members are busy making plans for another year of education and advocacy. We’re also gearing up to celebrate 20 years as an organization next spring. 

Hopefully you and your friends will be joining other WV members as we continue our collaboration with ArchCity Defenders during their Freedom Summer STL events. At the Juneteenth event and again on June 29, our members were there to provide information about voting rights, as well as to distribute free gun locks and gun safety education. We also had an opportunity to connect with many other organizations doing social justice work. The next event is Saturday, July 27 at Habitat for Humanity and a final event will be held on August 30. 

As you may know, July is Disability Awareness Month. Even with the Americans with Disabilities Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, we know discrimination exists. WV will be addressing these issues through our committees, programs, and advocacy opportunities. As Helen Keller states, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” So be thinking about what you can do...

Finally, I need to share that we will no longer have our dynamic executive director, Bryna Williams. Sadly, as an organization, our finances were no longer sufficient to have an executive director. We can't thank Bryna enough for what she brought to Women's Voices. Unfortunately we had to make this very painful, yet necessary decision. She is leaving us in a good governance and financial place. We plan on having a farewell/thank you activity very soon! 

As always, please reach out to me at if you have any questions or want to know how you can be more informed or involved with the outstanding organization!

Karen Francis

Join us to Plan Thursday Evening Programs

Would you like to help choose our 2024-2025 programs for the upcoming program year? We'll be meeting on Wednesday, July 10 at 1:30 p.m. to make these decisions. Join us and bring your ideas to help us plan another year of great educational programs!

Do you love to write? WVR is looking for someone to summarize our monthly meetings for our website.

Contact program committee co-chairs, Nancy (Nix-Rice) Litz and Lynn Lupo at to get involved.

Get Out the Vote and Gun Locks

Join us for a drop-in volunteer event on Tuesday, July 9 or Thursday, July 11. Help us write get out the vote postcards and bundle gun locks for distribution. Together, we can create a safer and more engaged community. No RSVP required, please bring your own postcard stamps.

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Voter Turnout: Tenants vs. Homeowners

Andrew B. Hall, Stanford University professor of political science and PhD student Jesse Yoder conducted a study examining voter turnout and homeownership over a 20-year period. The results were obvious-you guessed it...homeowners vote! How does this affect meaningful affordable housing policy reform?

At the July Attainable Housing Task Force meeting, we will uncover the relationship between homeownership, renting and voter turnout. We will share exciting information from two local organizations changing the housing landscape for St. Louis City (Communities First and Tenants Rights for All). There are many ways you can support affordable housing in Saint Louis City with a 15 minute investment of your time.

Attend the Attainable Housing Task Force committee meeting on Tuesday, July 16 (and every third Tuesday of the month) at 1 p.m. to find out more. Safe, quality housing you can afford is a privilege; most people can barely afford to live. See you in July!

For more information, contact Attainable Housing Task Force co-chair, Keba Jones at to learn more.

Make a Plan to Vote in the August 6 Primary Election

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For the most current information about elections, voter registration and interactive polling site maps, contact your local election authority:

Have questions? We have answers! Visit our Aug 6 Voting Guide for detailed information about:

June Program Highlights Show-Me Green Schools

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Show-Me Green Schools co-managers Deborah Rogers Curtis and Lesli Moylan joined us in June to describe their organization's suite of three free programs that provide structure, resources and recognition to support every Missouri PreK-12 school in becoming a green school.

Programs are aimed at reducing environmental impact, improving health and wellness, and providing sustainability literacy.

Read more here.

June Keeps Lock It for Love Volunteers Busy!

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In June, we honored our Lock It for Love volunteers who work year-round to distribute gun locks and gun safety education in the community.

Special thanks to:

  • Karen Cloyd, outgoing committee chair
  • Melissa Leech, community liaison (pictured at right)
  • Joanie Park, event scheduler
  • Linda Wallace Jones, volunteer coordinator

Also, thanks to Pat McLafferty, who has accepted the role of Lock It for Love coordinator. If you'd like to get involved with Lock It for Love, contact Pat at

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Several Women’s Voices members attended the Wear Orange rally to end gun violence in Webster Groves on June 9. Karen Cloyd (picture at left) represented Lock It for Love and distributed gun locks and gun safety education at our resource table.

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Lock It for Love members were also among those who volunteered to staff a resource table at two Freedom Summer events hosted by ArchCity Defenders in June. Pictured at right are Lock It for Love coordinator, Pat McLafferty and Advocacy Committee co-chair, Nancy Price.

Attainable Housing Task Force Members Visit Lookaway Summit

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Members of the Attainable Housing Task Force took a tour of the Habitat for Humanity housing community, Lookaway Summit, in North Saint Louis County on June 30. Avis Laden of Habitat for Humanity discussed the ways in which housing creates stability in every aspect of life, specifically mental health.

Have something to submit for Loud & Clear?

Loud & Clear is the official monthly e-newsletter of Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice and is usually distributed on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month. The general deadline for article submission is the Wednesday prior to publication. Click here to contact editor Laura Rose.

Membership Info

Even if you can’t come to meetings or become personally involved, your membership is important…and greatly appreciated.

Benefits of Membership

When you join Women’s Voices you:

  • Make our voice stronger when we advocate with elected officials.
  • Provide support to the organization by adding your name to our advocacy efforts.
  • Provide ideas and suggestions to help determine how to define our positions and choose our causes.
  • Participate in advocacy activities in any way that you want or is possible for you.
  • Take pride in your affiliation with a strong, progressive group of women working for social justice.
  • Help cover our administrative and outreach costs through your dues.

Annual Dues:

$60 (Regular Membership)

$100 (Silver Level)

$150 (Gold Level)

$20 (Student Membership)

New members join here

Renewing members renew here or

Send a check (payable to Women's Voices) to: 

Women's Voices

698 W. Lockwood Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63119

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