In This Issue . . .
Circulation: 97,336
ISSN: 1538-320
October 14, 2014
Does your child need a psycho-educational evaluation? Evaluators should:
- have the credentials required by the laws of your state
- be trained according to the requirements of test publishers
- be willing to answer questions about their education, training, and experience
You should check references and review credentials.
If you are looking for an evaluator or educational consultant, psychologist, or educational diagnostician us the Wrightslaw Yellow Pages for Kids!
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate, you will learn how to use the Yellow Pages for Kids to build your team. Find accurate information, resources, and help in your state.
Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to other friends, families, or colleagues.
Check Your State Listings for Evaluators
Use the state directory to look for Independent Evaluators in the private sector.
Your state Yellow Pages listings also include health care providers, academic therapists, tutors, speech language therapists, occupational therapists, coaches, advocates, and attorneys for children with disabilities
Tips for Building a Well Developed Team
Start now to build a well-developed team devoted to developing effective educational services for your child.
Look for an individual in the private sector who is knowledgeable about your child's disability, child development, special education, and appropriate educational and remediation techniques. Find an attorney or advocate.
Keep researching. Use the Yellow Pages User Guide to help you.
Add a Support or Study Group to Your Team
Meet other parents who have traveled down the same road. You can learn from their successes and mistakes. They will help you learn the "rules of the game."
Get parent training. To learn about parent training opportunities in your community contact your state Parent Training & Information Center. |
Help Others! Apply for a FREE Listing in the Yellow Pages
Do you help parents and caregivers get services for children with disabilities (i.e., you are an evaluator, educational consultant, tutor, advocate, attorney, special education school, etc.)?
Do you belo to an organization that provides parents with information and assistance? Do you facilitate a support or study group for parents of children with disabilities? Apply for a free listing today! |
Become a Sponsor on the Yellow Pages
Site-wide sponsorships give you the opportunity to advertise your product or services prominently on the right-hand side of every page.
The Yellow Pages for Kids site is ranked among the top special education and disability sites. Find out how to become a sponsor today! |