September 2020
A Note from Gwen Adams, Priceless Executive Director
Phew! We survived the past several months of…. discombobulated. Looking ahead has not been easy, and none of us know what the next few months look like. As I've been thinking about what to write how to update our Priceless support network, this phrase kept coming to mind: "tired hearts and tired faith."

The usual “charge ahead” mentality that we all take on in the fall as we anxiously look forward to changing leaves, soup, and most of all, routine, is flat gone. I get it. Instead, we collectively need a week’s worth of naps and a treasure map to find our motivation again.

First of all, know you are not alone. Secondly, push aside the desire to isolate; reach out to those in your circles. And lastly, find a place to reengage with your passions, your dreams, and what makes your heart happy. These words are no different than we are saying to all of our Priceless survivors. You've got this and so do I.
Let's Move Forward Together
FREEDOM GALLERY... We are so excited to have the Freedom Gallery launched online! This is gallery is an opportunity celebrate the restoration of voice and identity to brave trafficking survivors as they share their stories and journeys to freedom—in their own words.

Please take time to celebrate their Freedom by visiting the online gallery!
ENGAGE... We are hosting a couple of limited-seating Engage Trainings monthly and are working to create an online training option. Engage is the first step to serving with Love Alaska, Priceless, or Chosen and is valuable training for anyone serving other or seeking to identify and move into their calling.

If you've taken Engage previously and would like to Re-Engage, Alumni can register for half off! Contact Kerri at LVAK to request an alumni code:
Covenant House Partnership
SERVE... We are excited and happy to announce a new partnership with Covenant House to engage with at-risk homeless youth who may be targets of trafficking or who have been trafficked. We will officially kick off in October with monthly dinner and fun nights and weekly engagements at the drop-in center.

We are anxiously building a team who would love to mentor in this group context. This is a standard LVAK volunteer role and involves working with minors, so Engage training and completion of our established vetting system are required. Please email Gwen if interested at:
New Faces
The Priceless team welcomes three new interns this fall! We are pleased to introduce the bright new faces!
Annie - Legal Support and Hotel Industry Training Development
Kayla - Covenant House Partnership Liaison
Sophi - Compassion House Resident
Join Us in Moving Forward
PRAY... Join our weekly REVOLT prayer group, and receive a specific prayer need by *text message. Reply to this email with your cell phone number to subscribe.
*Standard data/message charges may apply based on your carrier.

If you have taken Engage Training and have been looking for a way to get involved with our mission, consider joining the LVAK intercessory prayer team. Contact Kerri for more information:
GIVE... Every dollar makes a difference! Support Priceless through online donations. Recurring monthly donations help us plan for the future and build long-term sustainability!

You can also contribute gift cards for groceries and personal supplies and mail them to:

PO Box 220114
Anchorage, AK 99522
LOVE... Check in and reengage. On any given day, new needs arise. Ask your friends, family, neighbors, and local organizations how you can love them well and serve under in current climate of uncertainty. Follow us on social media for our latest needs as they arise!