SUFU members gathered on September 25th and 26th at Sugarloaf for our annual conference and to celebrate 25 years as an organization.

Here is a look back at some of the great memories that were made. 
“I liked meeting new people” “I liked the idea of painting on different things and I got to paint” ~ Stacy Smart
“I liked the dance” “I liked getting to know more people"
~Rakel Arthers
“I liked the classes” “I liked the yoga because you could do your moves” “I liked the what makes you tick class because I was able to express myself and no one judges and people listened”   ~Regina Bowie
I liked everything about it” “I did indoor rock climbing and it was cool and I liked it”   ~Charles Cropley

“I liked the Art class and I got create to something.”
~Chris Heywood
“I thought Latin Dance was fun, and energetic”
~Alicia Duchette
Thanks for a Great Conference.
See You Next Year!
Speaking Up For Us of Maine