Methodist Services was pleased to be selected as a site visit for The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)’s 2023 National Community Schools & Family Engagement Conference in Philadelphia. This dynamic conference engaged 3,000 people from across the country (parent & youth leaders; school & district leaders; community organizers & union activists; elected officials; Community School coordinators & initiative leaders; education, justice & health system professionals; early childhood educators; university partners; disability advocates; researchers). Glad to do our part!

Special shout out to Penn Towne Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, for their recent “Family Health & Wellness Expo at Methodist Services,” featuring floral arrangement therapy, healthy lifestyles post-natal period, vocational career options, surviving trauma, raffle baskets & poster/art/poetry contests. What a wonderful day!

160 Methodist Services’ Kindergartners, Dunbar, Farrell & Gompers Out of School Time (OST) Students & Staff enjoyed a splendid day at The Philadelphia Zoo!

The Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble (BTE) performed their Theatre in the Classroom “The Story of The Buffalo Soldiers & The National Park Service” at Methodist Services’ three Out of School Time Programs: Dunbar, Gompers & Farrell Elementary Schools! Compelling & underappreciated history. Thank you, BTE!

Welcome Tee’s, Tutu’s & Sneakers!” Kudos to Staff, Students & Families at Methodist Services’ Gompers OST Program!

United Methodist Association Health & Wellness Ministries honors Methodist Services & PHasH Collaborative partners with the 2023 UMA Mission Award. We are blessed!

"I was & continue to be truly in awe of the comprehensive impact of Methodist Services' affordable housing, education programs, community counseling services, & sustainable urban farm, located on a 22-acre campus in West Philadelphia, as well as in Bangor & Easton in Central Pennsylvania. In 2016, I was asked to join Methodist Services' Board of Directors and currently serve as an Officer of the Board: Secretary. What an honor to contribute in a small way to the consequential work of this 143-year-old nonprofit!”

-Section of UMA Nomination by Randy Miller, Methodist Services Board Member

As part of monthly self-care activities, Housing & Community Services Team met up with Farm Manager Ryan Curran for onsite flower planting & berry picking at Heritage Farm. Sweet! Methodist Services’ Staff enjoyed guided meditation on our beautiful Heritage Farm.

If you missed Methodist Services’ Designer Bag Bingo Fundraiser at Merion Tribute House, you may NOT have walked away with 1 of 12 spectacular designer bags, a pair of designer sunglasses, 1 of 16 fab Raffle Packages, or best-of-all, a night of being with 125 “Methodist Friends & Family!" We so appreciate Bingo Emcees extraordinaire: Vince & Kali Curran! A fun, exciting fundraiser/friendraiser...keep an eye out for the next one!

Thank You Designer Bag Bingo


Premier Sponsors

Vince & Kali Curran

Exude, Inc.

Foster Angels on Earth

Hirtle Callaghan & Co.

Deluxe Sponsors


Apex Pizza

The Dezzi Group

Edge Tailoring

Liberty Tree & Landscape Mgmt.

Thomas Mill Associates

Anne Rice-Burgess

We were honored to receive an Exceptional Leadership Service Award for “support & passion in partnering with The City of Philadelphia - School District of Philadelphia Community Schools!” Shout out to Methodist Services’ fabulous Staff!

Philadelphia's Cradles to Crayons has established a model inkind distribution program. Methodist consistently counts on quality Cradles to Crayons products: diapers, wipes, children’s clothing - sorted, cleaned, bundled & sized for easy pick up and re-distribution. Staff arranges house visits, uses bulk clothing distribution as incentives at Parenting Collaborative classes, and invites families to attend educational sessions with clothing as a bonus for attendance. Staff have seen a dramatic increase in program attendance. Program participants receive much-needed clothing for infants through teens. Annually, Methodist Services has been the beneficiary of 3,000 items of clothing as well as hundreds & hundreds of cases of diapers!

We are so grateful!

Methodist Services offers Early Childhood Education Programs for children, birth to 5 years old. High quality, free childcare is available. To learn basic eligibility requirements for Methodist Services' Educare Learning Center programs, call 215-877-1925 ext 301 or email

Recently, Inglis Methodist Gardens (IMG) opened its doors for the first time to welcome formerly unhoused individuals and families, as well as people with disabilities, to an inclusive community of 47 affordable, integrated and supportive apartments, 23 of which are now fully accessible and technologically enhanced for greater independence.


Today, all IMG apartments are fully occupied with residents forging an organic community, accessing new supports and building rich lives. Help us enhance IMG residents’ everyday needs.


2023 Methodist Services' Fall Fundraiser

Thursday, October 12 at Fairmount Park Horticulture Center

2023 Holiday Toy, Gift & Gift Card Drive

Now Accepting until the Week of December 11th

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