February 2022 News & Updates
You are receiving this email newsletter because you have utilized Bow Valley PCN service(s) &/or have subscribed to our newsletter specifically. The monthly newsletter will keep you up to date with what is going on at the Bow Valley PCN
(and a few other healthcare-related tid-bits).

Wednesday, Feb. 2 | 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Want to add more exercise into your routine? Learn how to do it safely and about the role exercise plays in weight management, including benefits, recommendations and Q & A.

Thursdays, starting Feb. 10 | 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Get tips and techniques to help prevent and improve low back pain. Learn how you can manage back pain, improve mobility and increase function. Prior to participation in the workshop the PCN requires the completion of a PCN Waiver, exercise clearance from your family doctor (we will arrange this) and an intake appointment / form. 

Course dates Feb 10, 17, 24 and March 3.
Nutrition & Mental Wellness
Have you ever felt down? Or perhaps anxious? In those moments, you may have found yourself reaching for a sweet snack, a salty snack or something else to comfort you. Did it make you feel better? Did it make you feel worse?

So how does diet factor into your mental health and happiness? Research suggests that what we eat can impact our mood, in part through the communication between our gut and our brain... read more.
Wednesday, Feb. 9 | 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Join us for a online community class that discusses the connection between what you eat and your mental health. Registration is required.

With Zarifa Monson, Registered Dietitian
Moving On With Persistent Pain (MOPP)
It can be utterly debilitating to live with chronic pain. It’s invisible, overlooked and many suffer in silence. The Bow Valley PCN runs the Chronic Pain Program, a free program for those who have been living with Chronic Pain for six months or more.

"I was at a loss as I had been dealing with this pain by myself for 15 years and these classes really did change my life and my attitude.There is so much information to gain from attending and everyone who I dealt with has been absolutely amazing."

- Jarold Ketterer, a patient who has lived with chronic pain for more than 15 years recently shared his experiences in the Bow Valley PCN Chronic Pain Program, read more...
Wednesdays, starts February 23 | 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

An 8-week program with interactive weekly sessions that focus on the mind-body connection and lifestyle factors, highlighting simple changes and goal setting. Topics include: exercise, nutrition, sleep, medication, managing grief, stress, relaxation skills and coping strategies.

Course dates: Feb 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, April 6 & 13. Held via Zoom.
Facilitated by: PCN staff Jolene Gunn, Pharmacist & Kiley Torti, Active Living and Health Promotion Consultant

Prior to participation the PCN requires completion of a PCN Waiver, exercise clearance from your family doctor (we will arrange this) and an intake form. This is the Bow Valley Primary Care Network’s Chronic Pain Program.
Sexual Health Awareness Week
February 14-18, 2022
Just in time for Valentine's Day,
February 14-18 is fittingly, Sexual Health Awareness Week in Canada.

There are many resources in the Bow Valley to support sexual health in a variety of ways for people of all ages and walks of life.

Visit bowvalleypcn.ca/sexualhealth to access a list of sexual health resources and check back later in the month as for an update and useful information for Sexual Health Awareness week.
Order by: Monday, February 7, 2022 @ 9am
Pick-up: Monday, February 14, 2021

The Bow Valley Good Food Box (GFB) is a monthly assortment of fresh produce representing local, seasonal and organic when possible.

The content varies each month based on seasonal availability and pricing. Please note there are no choices/replacement items.

Join us on facebook for Good Food Box updates, recipes and more.

This program is accessible to all Bow Valley residents. Subsidized prices are available to low income individuals and individuals financially affected by COVID-19.
Province of Alberta Vaccination Rates
by the numbers (as of Jan. 27):

  • 8,255,417 doses administered
  • 89.7% of Albertans 12+ with at least 1 dose
  • 86% of Albertans 12+ fully vaccinated
The most current and accurate general information for Albertans
can be found at ahs.ca/covid19


The COVID-19 Omicron variant has proven to be far more infectious than the Delta variant. COVID-19 cases in the Bow Valley are surging.

With frequently changing guidelines, it can be confusing to know what to do when you are exposed or if you experience symptoms. Find out what to do and when and how to test.

Listen to Bow Valley Primary Care Network Family Physician Dr. Barrick on Mountain FM with Rob Murray as she discusses the Omicron variant and what to do if you feel unwell.


COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Children Aged 5 to 11
Health Canada approved Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine for children ages five to 11. Read more about the COVID-19 Vaccine and children under 12. Contact your doctor if you have any further questions.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Book online with Alberta Health Services.

Bow Valley Pharmacies:
Over 1,300 Alberta-based pharmacies are providing COVID-19 immunization with either Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. To find out where you can get vaccinated visit www.ab.bluecross.ca. Bow Valley pharmacies offering vaccines are listed on the PCN website.

Primary Care Clinics:
Alpine Medical Clinic is providing Moderna and Pfizer vaccines as supplies are available. Appointments must be booked in advance. Please check the clinic website for availability.

As the pandemic wears on, everyone has been impacted by the virus. Whether it’s financial demands, strain on personal relationships, emotional worry caused by extra stressors brought on by the pandemic, impacts on mental or physical health, unhealthy coping mechanisms, changes in your wellness routine or diet, please know that you are not alone. There are many local supports to help you weather the impacts of COVID-19.

See our Resources Guide for a full list of available supports in the Bow Valley.
Seniors' Centre Without Walls Phone-Based Programming
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls is a free, phone-based program that offers a variety of interactive health and well-being information sessions, recreational activities, and friendly conversations.

The program provides opportunities to socialize, learn new skills, and stay connected from the comfort of your own home. New programs and topics are added regularly. Programs include games, exercise classes, meditation and mindfulness, nutrition, book clubs, coffee chats, and more.

Open to older adults aged 55+ living anywhere in Alberta who find it difficult to leave their homes and participate in social activities in their community. Free of charge—all you need is a phone to call the toll-free number.

View the SCWW calendar of events. To register, please call the Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network at 780-395-2626.
Wellspring Calgary
Wellspring Calgary is a registered charity offering programs and services that meet the emotional, social and practical needs of people living with cancer – those diagnosed, caregivers and kids. If you or a loved one has cancer, Wellspring is here for you, visit wellspringcalgary.ca to find out more.
Children, Youth & Families Online Learning Classes
A variety of free, online classes available to parents and caregivers, including Understanding Autism, Resilience in Parenting, Technology and the Teenage Brain: view the full list of classes.
Grief Support Walking Group with the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley

The Grief Support Walking Group continues on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. at the Canmore Rec Centre.

Waiver is available here: https://smartwaiver.com/splash/7829

Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.

For more information, contact Bill at bill.harder@pcsbv.ca
Parkinson Association of Alberta Canmore Support Group

Everyone is welcome! This Support Group is open to individuals with Parkinson's Disease, spouses, care partners, family members and friends.

The group provides opportunities to learn up-to-date information on Parkinson’s, shares tips and resources, promotes connections to the Parkinson's community and provides support.

2nd Thursday of each month from 1:30 – 3:00 pm

If you’re interested in joining, please contact Emma or Jordan at
403-243-9901 for information and registration.
Bow Valley Stroke Support Group Meeting

This group is for those who have experienced a stroke. This is your opportunity to meet other stroke survivors: to hold space for the experience of each other, to offer and receive inspiration and offer support along the long journey of recovery. The Bow Valley Support Group meets for fellowship, education and to share action plans to gain encouragement.

NEXT Zoom meeting: Thursday, Feb 17 | 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Call or email for more info: 403-763-8418 or  beginning2c@gmail.com.

The Bow Valley Primary Care Network is now on Instagram!
Please follow us at instagram.com/bowvalleypcn!

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.