Dr. Liz's May 2019 Leadership Roundup
Liz Bywater's Monthly Leadership Roundup
Gaining new perspectives...
It's not terribly helpful to get advice from someone who fails to lead by example: The medical professional who tells you to lose weight but has gained 20 pounds since your last visit. The supervisor who emails you on a Sunday night telling you not to send weekend emails. The business expert who advises you to get out of the office (to attend an industry event, dine with colleagues, visit distant company sites, or explore an unfamiliar city) while she remains head down in her own space.

That's why I am sharing with you the highlights of my May adventures. I enjoyed a number of planned events and a few unanticipated pauses in the action (like getting stuck in in the sand on Nantucket Island!).

I hope you are inspired to take some strategic pauses of your own: Pull your team together for a day or two, get to know a new colleague, visit customers you don't often see, make full use of your vacation time. You and your organization will benefit tremendously: in the form of new perspectives, heightened innovation, improved adaptability, better relationships, and a broader view of what you can create.

Let me know what you think, what you need, and how I can be of help to you.

To your continued success...

Dr. Liz
May in Nantucket & Brooklyn

I was in Nantucket with the Rockstar of Consulting, Alan Weiss, and some of my favorite colleagues. Here I am with Colleen Francis, Lisa Larter and Maria Weiss. In the Jeep, you'll see Alan at the wheel as Steven Gaffney and Jeffrey Scott succeed in getting us unstuck!
I also spent time in NYC with Alan, Colleen, and Kim Wilkerson discussing business strategy and developing exciting new value for my clients. We started our time together with an amazing dinner at the River Cafe. Check out the Brooklyn Bridge: a work of art!
In November, I will be speaking at the Young Professionals Summit. I'll be debunking the myth that success lies in doing more, going faster, being everywhere, or taking on every new opportunity.
"I was very impressed with Liz's keynote at the AIIP conference and I've made a conscious effort not to "be a blur" since returning to real life. I was also impressed that Liz took the trouble to have copies of her booked shipped to all of us, even those who like me live in England. It was a lovely surprise to receive it!"

Michele Bate - Archer Van Den Broeck Limited
Slow Down To Speed Up ®
Protecting my IP by registering Slow Down To Speed Up ® - thrilled to receive the registered trademark certificate!
"Liz demonstrates the highest degree of integrity, professionalism, and dedication to the field of consulting

She does exceptional work, is a pleasure to deal with, and has earned her place alongside some of the best consultants working today."

Alan Weiss, Ph.D., President, Summit Consulting Group

Everyone needs a Strategic Pause...
On Memorial Day weekend, I met another pup named Jefferson! “The boys” in the middle picture, Jeffey and Healy, are relaxing at the shore home of their amazing parents, Dave and Espy Neu. I enjoyed a lovely weekend with Dave, Espy and the pups!
Liz Bywater, PhD