All Things Important Monthly Newsletter

March 2024

March Member Meeting

Wednesday 3/13 at 7pm

Just in time for spring, we have local chef and gardener Liz Barbour presenting us her slide presentation and lecture on Creating an Edible Flower Garden. Liz, owner of The Creative Feast, will share her edible flower garden, offering valuable insights and practical tips on ways to incorporate edible flowers into your home garden.
603-321-5011 | 5 Broad St. Hollis, NH 03049
In April we are doing something a little off topic but extremely useful.
For our April 10th meeting we are asking you to pre-register for a ‘hands only’ CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator) class/ demo. You may watch or participate. Our presentation will also cover choking relief and early recognition of strokes and heart attacks. Previous attendees to this class have saved lives!
Please let us know if you would like to attend by notifying Dee Haddad at .

Call for Volunteers!

HAS is looking for a member in need of a few volunteer hours to help us schedule our monthly presenters. This is a fairly easy and straightforward job yet one that is greatly appreciated! If you have a couple extra hours a month to help us create a line up of interesting presenters please contact our President Dee Haddad by replying to this email for your first steps. Thank you!

Have you checked our Facebook page lately? There is a wealth of information on there about local classes, exhibits, calls to artists, etc. If you are looking for a source for local art happenings look no further...

HAS Facebook Page

Are you ready to be a part of HAS?
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Membership Application
Hollis Arts Society Mission
Support a creative arts and performance environment for emerging and producing Artists that focuses upon professional development, access to economic opportunities and social interaction among other artists and art patrons resulting in the cultural betterment of the larger Hollis, Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts community. 
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