Image by Angu Walters and Evanson Mein
Dear Reader,
I am more excited than I've been in years. In coordination with Pluto's revolutionary reentry into Aquarius, after more than 4 years of writing 7 days a week, my new book which tears down the 12 signs of the zodiac and rebuilds them from scratch is in its production stages. We've embarked on a big push to get word of my work out around the world.

Catch my weekly Ruby Heart Live Stream every Wednesday at 2:30 pm Eastern. You can find me here on YouTube, LinkedIn or FB. And, my Daily Soul Gems are short 2-minute videos that you can find on LinkedIn and our Cosmic Weather Report FB Group.
I'll soon be traveling and look forward to meeting many of my soul-friends in faraway places. Please let me know how my new content reflects the feedback you gave me in a previous survey and cosider joining our Ruby Heart of the Dragon Launch Network!

Make Love What You Live For
By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax
Putney Mountain,Vermont
On March 23 at 8:13 am Eastern Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since the Haitian, French, and American Revolutions in the late 18th century.

The systems of our time are crumbling, pitching us into a volatile and chaotic phase of history, which is prompting the clamping down of fascism everywhere to the point that many people have become afraid to even think differently than they're being told to think.

The crumbling political and cultural systems are based on the few ruling the many. They thrive on social division rather than Aquarian-Age unification. The Revolution of our time is calling for us to see beyond polarization into the web of unity that connects all things. 

By Angu Walters
and Evanson Mein
By Stephen Yates 
Pluto is demanding (because Pluto doesn't ask) that we break down the walls between us and ourselves. Whatever keeps you from manifesting not the life you settle for but the one you dream of is getting jackhammered by the god of hell, and the hell of our species enslaves millions of people to systems that feed the Machine while sucking the soul dry.
Dare yourself to make love what you live for and you'll harness the same forces that toppled monarchies.

Pluto in Aquarius
To complete the earlier revolutions, we need a new one which demands awakening from illusion and living the life you were born to live, which requires sharpening your instincts.

Mark will invoke cat magic to break down how Pluto in Aquarius is creating personal and collective revolutions this year.

Begins Saturday, March 18, 3 pm Eastern Time via Zoom

Who Are You Really? Why are you here?
How Much Longer Are You Willing to Wait?
Mark Borax
Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. 

The Cosmic Weather Report book can be ordered from bookstores and Amazon. Mark's international bestseller 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future can be ordered at

Marcella Eversole
Marcella supports human evolution while recognizing the deeper forces at work. Learn More

A founding director of two international organizations for world change, Marcella specializes in programs that clear obstacles and point toward the high road where human intention meets optimal evolution.
PO Box 623,
Putney, VT 05346