October 2023

CMS needs your prior authorization stories


The Colorado Medical Society knows that prior authorization is a burden for you and your practice team, and it’s clear that patients’ health is harmed. Addressing this issue is a CMS priority for the coming Colorado legislative session. 

Congratulations to UCHealth and Banner, honored for dedication to physician wellbeing

Seventy-two health care organizations are being honored by the 2023 AMA Joy in Medicine™ Health System Recognition Program for outstanding efforts these organizations have initiated to address the systemic causes of physician burnout in areas such as commitment, assessment, leadership, teamwork, peer support and practice-environment efficiency. UCHealth was in the top 10 of the country and received gold-level recognition. Banner Health received bronze-level recognition. Read more here.

The Colorado Medical Society Committee on Physician Wellbeing (CPW) was joined at their October meeting by Liz Harry, MD, the outgoing chief wellbeing officer (CWO) for UCHealth, to hear about their efforts to improve wellbeing. If your practice or system has a CWO or other designated wellbeing champion, we encourage them to connect with CMS and CPW. Contact membership@cms.org for more information.

Spread the word about CMS's wellbeing program, Doc2Doc

Help patients receive paid medical leave in Colorado

An online portal is now available for health care providers participating in the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. Called My FAMLI+, the portal allows physicians and practice staff to track and manage patient claims and ensure that approved, licensed health care providers are making treatment decisions impacting a patient's ability to work -- without patients bringing in paperwork for you to sign. When registering in the health care provider portal, designate a staff member to manage all patients claims and when your patients start applying for benefits at the end of the year, your office will get direct notifications from the portal when a patient needs support. 


FAMLI’s step-by-step user guide and how-to videos

Subscribe here to get updates related to the health care provider portal directly from the FAMLI Division as soon as they are available

Partners needed for Colorado Needles/Sharps Take-Back Program

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is seeking partners to participate in the Colorado Needles/Sharps Take-Back Program. CDPHE is seeking areas to put kiosk collection receptacles in Colorado in areas of need where sharps/needles are being found. The goal is to provide free and convenient access to proper needle disposal for Coloradans in areas of high-identified community need, such as locations where improperly disposed sharps are currently being encountered, with a priority for servicing communities identified as under-resourced populations. If approved, the state will pay for the collection receptacle and all materials needed for the shipment of collected sharps to a contractor for destruction. Contact Lynette Myers, the Medication Takeback Program Coordinator at CDPHE, with questions or to learn more: lynette.myers@state.co.us.

Webinar: End of continuous coverage requirement under COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

The Colorado Department of Health Care and Policy and Financing (HCPF) will host their next quarterly information session about the end of the Continuous Coverage Requirement and the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency on Oct. 25, 1-2:30 p.m. Register here. These webinars are geared toward community partners such as advocacy organizations, providers, and community organizations who may provide other assistance to Health First Colorado or CHP+ members (housing, social services, etc.).

Thanks to our Partners in Medicine, who support Colorado physicians and practices!
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