Jo Massaro Ministries - I'm scheduling speaking engagements, virtual and in person, starting in March 2023. Be sure to check out my website and connect. I would love to be considered for your event.

Happy New Year to you and your family! As the year ends I want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and be thankful for the support and prayers.



A special visitor arrived on Christmas Day. Meet my friend, Tracker. The antlers stayed on long enough for me to snap this photo.

Why study the Bible in chronological order?

I love how Rodney provides scripture with illustrations, maps, and other resources to study. It is also available as a podcast.

Meet Rodney Harrier.

Learn more about Chronological study here.

I’m excited to share each month a calendar of literacy events. Pick one or more and take a photo. If you send it to me, I’ll pick some each month to include in my newsletter.

Since January is braille month, be sure to keep updated on my children’s historical fiction book debuting in June 2023. My two characters will meet Louis Braille.

In a few months, the new website for my nonprofit, In Their Hands, Inc, will be available.

Some features will be downloadable ideas for book nooks in your area, children’s virtual writer’s group, resources, contests, and much more.

January Literacy Calendar of Events.

[Jo Massaro Ministries] | [260-609-5049] |]

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