May 2024
A message from the Executive Director - Melissa Karrer
Hi Friends,

April showers bring May flowers...and the flowers are blooming! Spring is a reminder of renewal and hope bringing fresh perspectives and inspiration as we continue our mission to support Kentuckians affected by cancer.

Watching nature undergo its own transformation, we can embrace the possibilities for growth, healing, and connection. In this edition, you'll see grateful patient quotes, connection with inspiring nonprofit partners, Link to Hope podcast and WKYT segments and above all, a collaboration of resilience, resources for navigating the journey ahead, and opportunities to come together as a community... Especially the 10th Annual Links to Hope Golf Scramble!

We continue to work together to be a link to hope and make an impact in Kentucky! Thanks for joining us..


About us
Screening and Cancer Support Services
Cancer Awareness
For information, including risk factors and more, about melanoma, skin, & brain cancer-click the links below:

Thank You!
In the news...

Partner contributor to the Link to Hope Newsletter: Beth Creek

Beth Creek, RN, lives near Bowling Green, KY with her husband and two children. She works as a registered nurse and enjoys homeschooling, raising chickens, and learning to play the violin. 

Indoor Tanning Myths Busted!

As we step into the season of shorts and swimsuits, many of us desire a sun-kissed glow. However, it's crucial to understand that indoor tanning, a popular method for achieving this, is not without risks. In fact, several myths surrounding tanning bed use can have severe health implications and need to be debunked.

Here are three tanning bed myths that may surprise you:

MYTH 1: “Tanning beds are safer than laying in the sun.”
Most modern tanning bed bulbs are much more intense than the midday sun. They emit high levels of UVA rays, which are known to cause premature aging, sunspots, and wrinkles, and can lead to skin cancer.

MYTH 2: “I get vitamin D from the tanning bed.”
Tanning beds do not improve vitamin D levels. Your body needs UVB rays to make vitamin D. Since the bulbs in tanning beds mostly emit UVA rays, indoor tanning offers almost no vitamin D benefit.

MYTH 3: “I need a base tan, so I don’t burn on vacation.”
If you have a base tan, you can still get a sunburn. Every time you tan or get a sunburn, it damages the DNA in your skin, which increases your chance of developing skin cancer.

Instead of indoor tanning, opt for a spray tan or try sunless tanning lotions. Many spray tans and tanning lotions on the market today offer excellent results. But remember that artificial tans do not provide any protection from sunburn, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 if you are spending an extended period outside. A broad-brimmed hat is also a great way to provide extra protection.

Out and About
Grateful for the ladies of Betty's Brave & Beautiful Hearts Foundation for stopping by our office recently to share their mission with us. Their foundation, born out of a promise between a mother and a daughter, aims to provide support for those facing a breast cancer diagnosis. To learn more about the wonderful work they're doing, visit their website at
Gabby & Maria, two of our bilingual Spanish speaking navigators, attended La Feria de la Salud health fair on April 21st in Richmond at the Madison County Public Library. The goal of the event was to help spread health education and screening information to the community, especially the Latino community.
Our most recent Link to Hope podcast recording, features a fun & candid conversation with Alex Herring, who is actively battling stage 4 colon cancer, at age 34 with wit and grace. Be sure to check out Alex's story along with other inspiring episodes. The link to podcast episodes can be found below in the Link to Hope podcast section.
Melanie attended Mt. Nebo Baptist Church's Community Wellness Fair in Louisville on April 27th to educate participants on cancer screening guidelines and the importance of early detection. We're always grateful for opportunities to share our mission which includes all the wonderful services and support we can provide for our fellow Kentuckians affected by cancer or in need of screenings.
Save the Date!
KY Gives Day is coming up on May 7th! Would you help us spread the word? We would love for you to share on your social media sites, tell your friends, and help us meet our fundraising goal!

With your help, we can continue to help be a Link to Hope to countless Kentuckians from Paducah to Pikeville.

If 100 people gave just $25 each, we could raise $2,500 to support KY cancer patients! Stay tuned and be sure to check out our social media sites for more information.

#KYGives24 #givegenerously #livegenerously #makeadifference
Ways to GIVE BACK!
Kroger Community Rewards
Support Kentucky CancerLink’s mission at your local grocery store! We are pleased to be a part of the Kroger Community Rewards program.

It’s easy!! Just go to: to register your Kroger card. The ID#
for Kentucky CancerLink is TG249.
Share your ideas and resources! Do you know of something that might be useful to the cancer community? Let us know, and we may share it in future publications.
Email Melanie Hunter at
Friend for Life Cancer Support Network is currently seeking cancer survivors and caregivers to become Peer Navigators - trained volunteers who provide one-to-one emotional support to others facing a similar experience. 

As a refresher, Friend for Life Cancer Support Network was founded in Kentucky in 1988 and provides cost-free, one-to-one emotional peer support provided by cancer survivors and caregivers trained by medical professionals. Being able to talk with a regular person who's "been there" has been shown to reduce isolation, depression and anxiety and improve overall quality of life for those going through cancer.

What we look for in a Peer Navigator:
The ideal Peer Navigator is someone who is self-motivated and responsible, an attentive listener who is considerate and respectful of others. We require prospective volunteers to complete a professionally directed training program before undertaking their role. Peer Navigators function largely on their own, with minimal direct supervision.

Steps to Become a Peer Navigator:
Complete application form
Provide physician reference (not required for caregivers)
 Provide personal reference (someone who knows you well, preferably not family)
Complete training (online modules) or potentially a live training
 Interview with organization staff (via Zoom or phone)

For more information, call (502) 893-0643 or
Delicious Ideas

7 "Leia" Dip

See what they did there? This classic recipe would be a fun dish to offer anytime but especially for a May the 4th celebration or for Cinco de Mayo.

Let this recipe serve as a guide and alter it according to your preference and taste. The possibilities are endless.

Strawberry Mint Julep Mocktail

This tasty concoction would be a fun & refreshing option for a derby party or even for a summer barbecue.

You could always opt to use stevia to sweeten this drink to cut down on the sugar content as desired.

Kentucky Derby Pie Bars

Derby pie is a favorite of mine and many other Kentuckians. It's also a traditional offering on the iconic first Saturday in May. These bars are a fun alternative to the classic.

Loaded with the richness of pecans, brown sugar, and butter these bars will go quick and in true Kentucky fashion, you can always add a tablespoon (or two) of bourbon if you want to.

Link to Hope Podcast
Kentuckians need hope today. Link 2 Hope is a monthly podcast featuring community partners discussing ways to remove barriers for Kentuckians in need of screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer.

New episodes available! Click HERE.
Is there a topic that you would like to hear about? Contact Melanie Hunter at to share your ideas!
Thank you to our partner, RunSwitch PR!

Available on whichever platform you listen to your podcasts. Subscribe to be informed when new episodes are added!
WKYT - Link to Hope
Each month on WKYT, a Link to Hope story is featured with Amber Philpott.

Our most recent story highlights the history of KY CancerLink and the impact made in the lives of countless Kentuckians, in need of cancer screenings or affected personally by a cancer diagnosis, over the past 16 years.

THANK YOU to WKYT for your partnership!
Every donation counts...
Use the QR code or visit

Thank you for being a link to hope!
2425 Regency Road, Suite B
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-309-1700
Toll-Free: 877-597-4655
Fax: 859-368-8418