Dear Lincoln Parents/Guardians,

It is my honor to extend another warm and heartfelt Lincoln welcome to you as we draw near the beginning of the 2024 – 2025 school year. We are proud of our school, our students, our staff, and the outstanding community of families and patrons that provide wonderful support to Lincoln. We are working diligently behind the scenes to do everything in our abilities to “provide the best education possible for each and every student” this year. In an effort to stay connected with all of our families, I will post my weekly e-newsletter with important school information on Schoology, X at @LinkedAtLincoln, and the Lincoln website. Make sure to check Schoology, X, the school website, and your email regularly for updates and other information about Lincoln. Also, be sure that you have updated your email address(es) posted in your student's Dashboard account.

Please contact the school office if you have issues accessing Dashboard. We will continue to sustain and enhance the rich tradition of educational excellence at our school so that every student experiences individual success in and out of the classroom. I am looking forward to seeing all of you very soon!

Dr. Ron Kitsko


Lincoln Elementary School

Mt. Lebanon School District

2 Ralston Place | Pittsburgh, PA 15216 | 412-344-2147

X - @LinkedAtLincoln


The Elementary Handbook contains useful and important information regarding school policies, procedures, and programs. The Elementary Handbook information is arranged by topics. Please browse the topic list in the handbook linked below to find the information you need.

MTLSD Elementary Student Handbook

Meet and Greet

Thursday, August 15 - 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Don't forget that we have our Meet & Greet event set for Thursday, August 15, 2024, from 6:30-8:00 PM. The format for the Meet & Greet is informal, and you may come anytime between the posted times. Please enter the school via Door A1. These doors will be opened at 6:30 PM. As this is an “open house” format you are welcome to come any time within that time frame. Be sure you make time to say "Hello!" to your homeroom teacher and all of our encore and support teachers before leaving for the evening. All students and families should enter the school via Door A1. We can't wait to see you!

New Student Orientation

Thursday, August 15 - 5:30 p.m.

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, we will host our New Student Orientation starting at 5:30 PM in the Lincoln cafeteria. This event is intended for Grade 1-5 students and their families who are NEW to Lincoln Elementary School this year.

We will review important information about the school, our programs, and important school procedures. Parent Teacher Association (PTA) representatives will be on hand as well. We will also connect our new students (Grades 1–5) with a Lincoln Buddy to help make the first days and weeks at Lincoln a little less stressful. The Buddies will provide a tour of the school at the end of the formal orientation program before the Meet & Greet gets started for all other students. Families invited to this event will receive the Lincoln Buddy List and other details in a separate email. New students and their families should enter the school from the playground via Door C15.

Homeroom Assignment / Schedule 

  • Thursday, August 1 - Student schedules and homerooms will be sent to families via email by noon on Thursday, August 1.

  • Friday, August 2 - The PowerSchool/Dashboard portal will be open by 10:00 a.m. 
  • Families can log into PowerSchool/Dashboard by clicking FAMILIES at the top of the District website. The direct link is: 
  • Students can log in to PowerSchool by clicking STUDENTS at the top of the District website. The direct link is: 

Kindergarten Interviews

Tuesday, August 20 & Wednesday, August 21

Kindergarten Interviews will be held on Tuesday, August 20th, and Wednesday, August 21st. This will be an additional informal time for kindergarten students and families to individually meet with the kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Vrotsos and Mrs. Cernicky, in a one-on-one format. Informational emails regarding kindergarten placement and interview times will be sent out in early August. If you do not receive an email, please contact the school office at 412-344-2147.

New Faces and Changes at Lincoln

There are some new faces and changes at Lincoln this year. I am pleased to share with you the following information about changes involving staff members at Lincoln:

  • Mrs. Caitlin Aaron – Moving to Grade 2
  • Mrs. Katie Cernicky – Kindergarten (AM) (previously at Howe Elementary)
  • Mrs. Elsie Ciaramella – Moving to Grade 3
  • Mrs. Megan Criswell – Moving to Grade 2 for Semester 1 
  • Ms. Eiryn Hurst – Reading Specialist (PM) (previously at Washington Elementary)
  • Ms. Natalie Stefurak – on leave for Semester 1
  • TBD – new Personal Care Assistant

School Supplies

School Supplies Kits

If you ordered a school supplies kit last spring for one or more of your students, it is our hope to have these kits available for pick up (should families so choose) during the Meet & Greet. We are eagerly awaiting the kit's arrival at Lincoln. Should you have questions, please direct them to Mrs. Melissa Blanton at

Grade Level School Supplies Lists

Click below to view the suggested school supplies list for this year. If we can assist you with purchasing these supplies, please contact your child’s teacher, Ms. Herb or Dr. Kitsko. Please know these requests remain confidential as we want to ensure that your child has what is needed to have a successful school year.

LES Supply List

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and Dismissal Locations - Click Here for Map

Arrival and Dismissal Times

  • AM Arrival - 8:25 to 8:35 AM
  • Late bell rings at 8:35 AM
  • K(AM) dismissal - 11:20 AM
  • K(PM) arrival - 12:40 to 12:45 PM
  • Late bell for K(PM) rings at 12:45 PM
  • PM Dismissal - 3:30 PM

We are asking students to use the following doors for arrival and dismissal:

  • Kindergarten - Door C13 - K(AM) arrival and K(PM) dismissal
  • Grade 1 - Door D16
  • Grade 2 - Door C14
  • Grade 3 - Door C14
  • Grade 4- Door C10
  • Grade 5 - Door A2
  • GO ZONE - Door A1 - also used for K(AM) dismissal and K(PM) arrival

Entering and exiting through these doors will allow the students to enter and leave the building in a less congested manner. You can view a map of the arrival and dismissal locations by accessing the link below. We will have adults at each door to welcome and guide the students to their homerooms.

Other Arrival Procedures

Student Arrival

  • Doors will be open for students to enter Lincoln between 8:25-8:35 AM (AM arrival) and 12:40-12:45 PM (K-PM arrival)
  • Teachers receive students at the arrival doors and in GO ZONE
  • Staff on arrival duty until 8:35 AM for AM arrival will be wearing yellow vests
  • Students are tardy after 8:35 AM (AM arrival) and 12:45 PM (K-PM session) and MUST enter Door A1 with a parent/guardian to sign in at the school office

Arrival Expectations

For Students

  • Do not line up before 8:25 AM (AM arrival) or 12:40 PM (K-PM session)
  • Go to crossing guard locations to cross the streets
  • Use the sidewalks to arrive at Lincoln
  • Stay out of parking lots
  • No playing in front of the school
  • Exit car to the sidewalk, not onto the street
  • Students arriving before 8:25 AM (AM arrival) must report to the assigned grade level entrance door

For Families

  • Do not have students to line up earlier than 8:25 AM (AM session) or 12:40 PM (PM session)
  • Direct students to assigned grade level entrance door
  • Open from 8:25 - 8:35 AM (AM arrival) 
  • Pull forward as far as possible
  • No parking in GO ZONE
  • Adults are to remain in cars
  • Wait to drop off student(s) in the designated drop off area within the GO ZONE
  • No parking in the school parking lots
  • No dogs/pets on campus at arrival

Other Dismissal Procedures

Student Dismissal Procedures

  • Dismissal of students at 11:20 AM (K-AM) and between 3:30-3:35 PM (PM dismissal)
  • Teachers release students to the dismissal doors
  • Homeroom teachers and staff to supervise students at exit doors and in GO ZONE
  • Staff on duty until 3:40 PM (PM dismissal) and will be wearing yellow vests

Dismissal Expectations

For Students

  • If walking, head directly home after leaving the school building
  • Use the sidewalks
  • Stay out of parking lots
  • No playing in front of the school
  • Go to crossing guard locations to cross the streets
  • Only student car riders will be permitted in front of Lincoln
  • Wait at designated pickup area inside school
  • Students will be called once ride arrives in GO ZONE
  • Enter car from sidewalk, not the street

For Families

  • Set up meeting locations with your students
  • Students should be picked up (regardless of location) by 11:25 AM (K-AM) or 3:40 PM (PM dismissal)
  • Remind students to avoid GO ZONE unless a car rider
  • No parking in GO ZONE
  • Stay in car in GO ZONE
  • Wait to pick up student(s) in the designated pickup area
  • No parking in the school parking lots
  • No dogs/pets on campus at dismissal

1:1 Device Distribution

In advance of school starting, we want to remind elementary families we will once again provide a technology device for all students in Grades K-5. We will distribute these devices during the first days of school directly to the students. Some details about this you should know:

  • Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 will receive iPads
  • Students in Grades 2-5 will be issued Chromebooks
  • Students that attended Lincoln last year (in Grades 2-4) will receive the same Chromebook this year for use in Grades 3-5
  • All students in Grades K-2 and newly enrolled students will receive a device that will be new to them

We are asking all families to sign off on the MTLSD Equipment Loan Agreement prior to students receiving their devices. These forms will be available during the Meet & Greet on August 15th. Make sure to sign off on these forms for your student(s) so they can receive their device and start taking them back and forth between school and home.

A Note from the Nurse

Welcome back to another wonderful school year! My hope is that all of you had a healthy and relaxing summer. I look forward to taking care of your children for the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited about playing a positive role in your child’s physical, emotional and mental well-being. Health plays an important role when it comes to learning. My goal is to make sure each student is able to reach their optimum health potential while at school. 

Please update all emergency contacts who will be able to pick up your child when ill or injured. Also notify the health office as soon as possible about any medical needs your child may have or that occurs during the school year. This includes any medical diagnosis, need for ANY medication (prescription or over the counter), if using crutches, ace wraps, stitches, or diagnosed with any communicable disease, head lice, concussions, COVID, etc. I also ask you to reinforce basic health and personal hygiene teaching in the home. Carefully review the Health Services website for detailed information on nursing staff, injuries, illnesses, medications, and mandates and more. Do not hesitate to email or call me with any questions or concerns. Hoping everyone has a wonderful and healthy school year!

Lakin Rigby, BSN, CSN

PTA Information 

Lincoln PTA Membership

After hearing about ALL of the WONDERFUL THINGS that the Lincoln PTA does, I bet you are wondering how you can be a part of it! We can do such great things each year because of our families who join the PTA and volunteer in many ways! Nothing would make us happier this year than if your family JOINED THE PTA!

Please know that even if your schedule does not allow you to volunteer or participate in the PTA in person, your PTA Membership Dues contribution is an amazing way to support your children throughout the entire school year!

By joining, your membership dues help to support all programs that the PTA sponsors in some way! Programs such as: Read-A-Thon, Frosty Shop, Cultural Arts, New Family Buddies, Garden Club, Grand Finale, Popsicle Playdate, Scholastic Book Fair, Yearbook, Spelling Bee, Family Picnic, Staff Appreciation, Ice Cream Social, Matt’s Maker Space, Science Fair, Winter Lunchtime Clubs, Talent Show, Spring Carnival, Skating Party, Helping Hands, Fifth Grade Farewell, International Families Night and more! These are all made possible by your Membership Dues!

You also get the chance to vote at PTA meetings if you are able to attend them and will receive a copy of the fabulous Lincoln Elementary School Directory!

Please contact Lorraine at or message our Lincoln PTA Facebook page @LincolnAwesomeAbesPTA if you have any questions! Thank you so much for your support!

Lincoln Elementary School PTA Membership Form

Kindergarten Popsicle Playdate

Calling all kindergarten students! The Lincoln PTA is hosting our Popsicle Playdate on Friday, August 16, 2024, from 9:30-11:00 am on the Lincoln playground. Come hangout on the playground to meet some new friends and enjoy a cold popsicle. Thanks to the Lincoln PTA for sponsoring this fun event and providing the popsicles for our kindergarten friends! 

Lincoln Family Picnic

The annual Lincoln PTA Family Picnic is set for Wednesday, August 28th, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM on the Lincoln Playground. Come see other Lincoln families and kick off the new school year! Bring your family and pack a picnic or buy dinner from food vendors that will be on hand (Benvenuti’s Pizza Factory and Millie’s Homemade Ice Cream) for this fun-filled evening. Hope to see you there!