Pastor Peer Learning

April 18th-10am

 Please RSVP for Lunch

From the Desk

of the AMS

by Russell Lyle

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”” (Acts 1:8, CSB)


Would anyone in your community care if your doctor’s office closed? How about the grocery store, sheriff’s office, hospital, fire department, or your favorite restaurant? These types of closings range from the inconvenient to essential services. In a crisis you want to know that the emergency room is available and staffed. If your house is on fire, you want a quick response from the fire department. You want the convenience of being able to procure food for your table, and to even stop in the middle of the week to get the fresh milk and snacks you wished you bought last time you were in the grocery store.


There are many things we would instantly miss if they left our community, but would anyone care if your church closed? Would anyone notice if your church closed? Is the church so inwardly focused that no one would be affected if it closed? We all recognize that there are services that are essential for any community to thrive. We would not want to see the doctor’s office, hospital, pharmacy, police or fire departments to close. Yet even more essential to a community is the church, and the church can meet certain needs in a community that no other business or organization can meet.


Last Sunday, we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord. Jesus is raised from the dead for our justification. He has defeated death and is the firstfruits, guarantee, and example of the resurrection for all believers. Being raised out of the tomb, He has been exalted above all, the living head of His church. All authority and power are rightfully His. He has left His church with the task of making disciples, and only the church has the ability, authority, and obligation to make disciples. He has instructed His church to be His witness, witnesses not only of the resurrection, but of who He is and all that He has done. The church is the only institution that has the mandate, authority, and obligation to be his witnesses here on earth.


I believe that the church is the most essential need of any community. Our communities need our witness of Jesus Christ more than anything else. If your church were gone tomorrow, and no one notices, it is because the church stopped being a witness for Jesus long ago. Let us all be witnesses for Christ, and may our churches be the most vital resource of any community.

Middle Ground Baptist Church will hold a Spring Bible Conference with Dr. Gerald Harris April 13-15. Fish fry at 4:30 & service at 6pm on April 13th. Sunday Worship at 11am and 6pm. April 15th at 11am, lunch provided. Pastors have a special invitation to the Monday gathering.


Bay Branch Baptist Church (4029 Millen Hwy, Sylvania)will host a Rabies Clinic on May 18th from 8:30am-9:30am…$10/animal. Pre-registeronline @


West Millen BC is actively looking for a full-time pastor. Email: or mail: P.O. Box 599, Millen, GA  30442 Please share!


Elam Millen BC is accepting applications for a Assoc. Youth Pastor. Mail resume to 5199 Elam Road, Millen, GA  30442


Turkey Branch BC will all be holding Community Outreach Event on April 6th. Eggs will be hidden! All invited!


Memorial Baptist Church turned their prayer box into Mission$ $upport for our truck loading for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home. Blessing!!! Challenge your church to HELP STOCK BAXLEY’S PANTRY...Deliver to MBA by 4/15!

Happy Birthday to:

Ralph Dixon-8-Jackson

Tiffany Speir-8-North Newington

David Buie-13-retired

Pat Lanier-17-retired

Clint Sheppard-19-FBC Sylvania

David Sharp-26-Green Hill

Terry J. Joyner - 27- Retired (Mrs)


Happy Anniversary to:

Slade Speir-13-North Newington

Food Pantry Needs :  

Peanut butter & jelly, 1-2lb grits, potato flakes, Canned : sweet peas, diced tomatoes, pork and beans, spam, tuna, salmon...

Event Trailer request form is on our website for our member churches. 

First come, first serve basis. Call (912)564-2884 for calendar check!

Event Trailer

Bro. Russell is available for Pulpit Supply as calendar permits. He will train your search committee by appointment. Call to schedule!

Office# (912)564-2884 or Cell# (813)466-9311.

► The Mission Center is open for help, info, food pantry, literature recycling… Monday thru Thursday, 9am-4:30pm


MBA Pulpit

Supply Training        

May 18th 

Potential lay speakers

Interested in preaching



JULY 16-18


Applications available  this month


Pastor's Wives


May 25th-10am

RSVP to Christi



April 9th

Screven Co. High Auditorium

The Collingsworth Family

In Concert

or call (800)965-9324


Sponsored by The Sylvania Times, The Jenkins Co. Times &

The Shepherd's Nook