What’s the best professional advice you have been given?
“Be reliable and trustworthy. As a legal assistant, we are often our attorney’s right-hand person. Being on time, organized and proactive builds strong partnerships for success.”
What’s your favorite part about working at Kenney & Sams?
“My favorite part about working at K&S is the teamwork environment. This is truly the best team I have ever worked with. This is just one of the many reasons K&S is so successful.”
What is the best non-legal job you’ve ever had?
“A.C. Moore. I love crafts and crocheting. It was fun to talk with customers about their projects and get new ideas for my own!”
What is something they may not know about you?
“I am an ultramarathon runner. I love exploring new trails and spending time in the woods. I started distance running about two years ago and have run three 50-mile races. I hope to compete in a 100-mile race next!”