Faith Practice 3: (for the family)
Day 3 - From River of Life VBS Materials
God claims.
The lesson of the Day: God claims us and calls us beloved. In baptism, God claimed Jesus as God’s son and called him beloved. We are also God’s children and beloved of God. Baptism helps remind us of this. Even if we aren’t baptized, God still loves us.
Opening Activity
Use this opening time to talk about each person’s name. If doing VBS at home with family, talk with children about where their names come from and what they mean. Invite the children to share what they like about their names. If your VBS is online, invite the online participants to share their names and say what they like about their names. If the children use a nickname for themselves, ask them to share it and how they got it. Invite adults to share their names and, if possible, to share the story of where their name comes from and what it means to them.
Bible Reading
Read Matthew 3:13-15.
Ask: Why didn’t John want to baptize Jesus? What was Jesus’ response?
Read Matthew 3:16-17.
Ask: What happened at Jesus’ baptism? What did God call Jesus? What do you think “beloved” means? Who might call you “beloved”? Who might you call your “beloved”?
Share: Earlier, we talked about our names and what they mean. Another “name” we have is “child of God.” Just as our name was given to us by someone else, the name “child of God” was given to us by God. We cannot change it or lose it; it is God’s name for us forever.
Closing Prayer
Dear God, thank you for claiming us as your children and calling us beloved. Today, we thank you for the people we love—especially those we are naming now. Be with us today as we learn about your children near and far. Amen.
Journal Activity
In their journals, invite children to draw a picture of themselves. For young children, this can be as simple as a face or a stick figure. Once they are finished, invite them (or help young children) to write the words “Child of God” at the top of the page. As they draw and finish, remind them that God claims all of us as God’s children, which means God loves and cares for us no matter where we are. has a wealth of resources for our communities. The VBS resources have snack recipes, crafts instruction, games, and lessons like the ones above from VBS River of Life.