In this issue we'll explore components of life's transistions
- Transistions and the feelings they bring
- Grief as we say hello to something new
- Hope and it's enduring power
- Updates on workshops & more
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Transitions in life can include:
- Things like starting a new job.
- Trying to build your family
- Having your child start school.
- Ending a relationship or beginning a new one.
- Moving to a new place.
- Experiencing a major life event
Taking care of yourself during these times is important by seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, and, most importantly, taking things one step at a time.
Remember that transitions can bring new opportunities and growth; understanding why a change is happening and what it will bring is helps in moving forward, so try to approach changes, new opportunities, or unwanted life events with an open mind and an understanding and curiosity of why.
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Transitions can include grief, the ending of one event, and the beginning of a new one. Sometimes, transitions are planned, and other times, they are not; either way, we may grieve the ending of one era and the beginning of another. Grief is a powerful emotion—for some, it is palpable, deep, profound, and easily recognizable, and for others, it is hidden, not visible, and those around the person may not even know.
For this reason, it is important to acknowledge that grief is a unique and individual process.
The significant component of understanding a journey that includes grief is allowing yourself to go through it. If you don't let yourself acknowledge a loss, take the time to reflect upon the change, as it can lead to even more sadness and depression and appear at times you never imagined, in ways you never expected.
Grief is not uncommon for those on a #TTC journey. It's important to understand that grief can manifest differently for each person and differently for each person based on the situation.
Please allow yourself the time and space to recognize a loss and check in with yourself if you are going through a transition in life.
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the word alone brings the thought of something new.
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There is a famous saying,
"Hope springs eternal,"
things will get better, and there is
"Realistic Hope"
to consider.
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By setting realistic goals and believing in oneself, one can cultivate a sense of hope that is both practical and empowering. Hope involves setting achievable goals and having confidence in one's ability to reach them. It is important to have aspirations and dreams, but when grounded in reality so much more attainable.
Realistic hope can provide motivation and a sense of purpose while reducing the prevalence of disappointment and discouragement. It balances optimism and realism, allowing individuals to strive for success while recognizing potential challenges and obstacles. Research your goals if necessary, talk to others, and allow yourself the space to think through the stages and feel confident in the steps to take.
When someone is on a fertility journey or any life journey, I would suggest that it is essential for individuals and couples to consider 'realistic hope'. If you know someone who is going through fertility treatment you can support them by fostering this optimism, but also provide them with opportunities to discuss the realistic prospects of the various treatments that they may be undergoing. This also goes for reaching out to one's medical professionals.
I hope the concept of realistic hope resonates with you.
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QUICK TIP - Pause, Perspective, Proceed (the 3 Ps) – once you tune into needing a moment, when your body is tensing, your feeling emotions you prefer you were not, or things are going in circles (your thoughts, a conversation),
- Pause, take for a moment, a breath to allow yourself
- Perspective, an understanding of how you would like to
- Proceed, and move forward.
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Inclusive Family History made it to ASRM this past Oct. Dr Serena H. Chen (@drserenahchen) and Joe Cody (@grain_fertility) invited to speak at the first ASRM Soapbox, highlighting advocacy efforts and also on the ASRM podcast. Thank you, ASRM, for supporting this effort. The Global Pedigree section is being updated, and options for all family structures will no longer have to be put in the "others category. Thank you, Dr. Serena H. Chen and Joe Cody for being my partners in this effort!
For the most updated information, please visit my website, 3rd Party Reproduction web page or Instagram @lorimetzlcsw. For more information, you can also listen to IGL update on this effort.
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Tele-Mental-Health for
Individuals, Couples,
Support Groups &
as reminder I'm board certified in tele-mental-health since 2018
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Fertility Workshop Coming in May!
An opportunity to gather, listen, learn, and connect.
After years of offering support groups on a regular basis and workshops upon request, I am excited to offer 3 workshops beginning in May:
- General Infertility:
for more information and registration click here
- Intended parents of children born through egg, sperm, or embryo donation:
for more information and registration click here
- Recipient Parents of children born through egg, sperm, embryo donation, & surrogacy:
for more information and registration click here
For more information and to register, please visit my website, or contact me at
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The story of an egg donor baby.
Written to assists the mom in embracing her journey, becoming comfortable in telling her story of the love, caring, nurturing, and desire she gave to her child from contemplation to birth and beyond. Available in English, Spanish & Mandarin and wherever you buy your books online.
all proceeds will be going towards the Third Party Reproduction initiative.
for more information please use this link.
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LIFE discusses ways of coping with life, the emphasis on moving forward and enjoying.
LIFE, love, insight, fertility, experience
I would like to thank everyone for continuing to listen!
Is there a specific topic you'd like to learn about? Please let me know.
All available on YouTube too!
If there is something you would like to hear about please reach out and let me know.
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I encourage everyone, in your own way to consider incorporating some the suggestions
(for more information on the benefits & practice of self-care please follow me on Instagram @lorimetzlcsw)
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for more information please contact lori at or 917.655.9776
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