Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
Dream Journal ~ September 2020 
25% Safe Homes Under Construction!
Building the first batch of 25 out of 100 Safe Homes is on the way. The plan is to help the most vulnerable in the village communities by replacing the leaky thatched roofs with a safe and sturdy blue zinc roof and adding rain gutters and a large water storage tank.
However, many of the homes are being completely rebuilt with the help of kind and hard working neighbors. We can accomplish the construction of a simple house in one day. After the framework is completed, the roof is installed and then come the walls.
Most of the houses receive either a latrine or a well, depending upon need determined by the completed assessment survey. With the help of the local community, CCDO will finish 25 houses, 10 water wells, and 16 latrines, in one month.
A big thank you to Rotary Club Sentosa, Rotary Club Phnom Penh, and Rotary Global Grants for continuing to improve the living conditions in Cambodian countryside. 
Back to School
After a long hiatus Cambodia has resumed the interrupted school year. It is up to each school director how to implement regular school learning and define the social distancing and class size to keep students safe. The 9th & 12th grade are back at school full time and their final exams are delayed until December. The usual new school year that starts in November has now been delayed until the beginning of January.
Grades 7 & 8 and 10 & 11 will continue to study in small groups in the community centers. Once the success and health of grade 9 & 12 is established, the other grades will be allowed back to school on a normal schedule.  

The preschool children have been attending village by village on different days in their own communities with our preschool teachers. They too will start next week back at our two schools on the same social distanced schedule and come village by village.

The University students are still studying online via Zoom.

Scholarship Students
Our current group of 47 scholarship students have been generously sponsored by their donors for another year. They continue to excel in their studies. Thank you sponsors for your continued commitment during this challenging time. 

Career Counseling
It is always overwhelming to choose which career path to follow, as Cambodia is a young country and many rural students do not know the scope of jobs. CCDO is collaborating with two local NGOs, Pepy Empowering Youth Org & Caring for Cambodia, so that we can inform and encourage our students to have a brighter future.
(Top: Caring for Cambodia, Bottom: Pepy Empowering Youth Org)
Hydrus Project
This was started by 3 high school students in Hong Kong, determined to raise funds to bring water filters to rural Cambodians. They were planning to visit Cambodia and bring supplies. Unfortunately, the project was hijacked by COVID-19 and they were unable to complete their mission. Still, they managed to raise $538.

They hope to restart the project again in 2021. Dedicated and creative young fundraisers are our inspiration and hope for the future and a better world. 

On consistent long-time donors Beth & Kevin Hoffman generously gave $1,500 to be used in our Combat COVID-19 program. Thanks for your vote of confidence.
Staff News
Our WASH coordinator Mr. Pin is recovering from a motorcycle accident. We wish you a speedy and full recovery!

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.