Life Matters - A Publication of Catholic Pro-Life Committee
Whether blessing or burden, we stand united!
Letter from Becky Visosky, Executive Director

A new shepherd is in town, and he's already amazed by you, our pro-life community. Of course, I am speaking of the Most Reverend Edward J. Burns who now serves as our eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas. We had the honor of welcoming him at his first Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner where his enthusiasm was infectious.  When thanked for being a part of the evening, he remarked that he wouldn't have missed joining so many of his faithful to celebrate Life!   ...  While our city is blessed with a joyful new spiritual leader, we are also burdened by a new wound.   Continue reading
In This Issue
Leading the Nation
Texas Catholic Faith in Action Advocacy Day

Every two years, Catholics from across the Lone Star State unite for the Texas Catholic Faith in Action Advocacy Day. This event hosted by the Texas bishops mobilizes thousands of Catholics to promote the Church's values of life, justice, charity, and religious freedom to members of the Texas Legislature.  This past April, Dallas sent four buses of adults and students to participate in this day of advocacy. Continue reading

Dallas delegation to Advocacy Day in Austin
In her words
Summer intern shares her experience
The first time I ever prayed outside an abortion facility, I was 16 years old. I showed up on a Saturday morning, a "surgery day," during a 40 Days for Life campaign with no idea what to expect. For the first time that morning, I saw the sad consequences of abortion on the faces of real people.
As my eyes made contact with one girl who was being rushed in by the escorts, I saw the desperate, heartbroken plea in her eyes. That morning, abortion was no longer just some sad statistic, but it was real. It was personal. And it hurt . Continue reading .

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Your 100 percent tax-deductible gift is critical to helping the Catholic Pro-Life Committee continue to save lives, support families and offer healing. You may make a donation online at   

Celebrating life
The 24th Annual Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner
The Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner on April 1st was a spectacular celebration of LIFE with our new shepherd Bishop Edward Burns and featured speaker Eric Metaxas who brought down the house with his powerful call to action.  Special thanks to all who helped make this an uplifting and inspirational benefit!   Click here to view pictures, CPLC 2017 ministry video and more!
Bishop Lynch Choir opens the evening in song
Crossing the border
First-Ever Bi-National Pro-Life Pro-Family Congreso

The Gospel of Life knows no boundaries, reaching more people in new places every year. We have been blessed to be a part of this evangelization, sharing our ministry model in cities across the U.S., as well as South America and Europe. It is our hope that the flame we share with other communities will ignite a fire.  We've seen just that with the Hispanic Congress of the Americas for Life and Evangelization ....   Continue reading   

Visit us at


Catholic Pro-Life Committee
Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas
P.O. Box 803541 Dallas, TX 75380

Saving Lives, Healing Hearts, and Building Families