April 2023

Life is full of surprises!

 (Our living room became a recovery room)


These past 10 weeks have been a bit of a challenge. Linda fell on Saturday, January 21st, and did some real damage to her forehead, left shoulder, broke her left leg, and severely injured her right knee. It only took a few seconds to begin a journey that is a long way from being over. She spent 1 week in the hospital and then moved to a physical therapy facility for another 9 days. When I brought her home, she was given Covid as a go away present from the Rehab location. Of course, we always share things in our relationship, so I got it too! Not the best way to celebrate our Anniversary which we observe from February 11th thru 14th along with Linda’s Birthday on February 13th. It was hard for us to enjoy ourselves under these conditions, but we did our best. Fortunately, things are slowly coming back to normal and, hopefully, Linda will be able to remove her leg brace this week. Thanks to our friends who did their best to help make us feel better.


If you were wondering whatever happened to the February & March newsletters, that’s the behind-the-scenes story.

I Had Friends

The Story behind the song!



This song was written during my first travels after leaving my home in Milwaukee. I knew I was leaving for good and I kept thinking of all those friends I was leaving behind. I still think about my old friends quite often, most of whom I haven’t seen or heard from in many decades. It’s my fault that I have lost touch with them, traveling as much as I did over the years and moving from place to place. I’m not sure what I would say to them after all these years, even if I could find out where they are.


Friends are very important; they help keep us in balance. I read somewhere that, at any given time, you should always have nine friends in your life - three friends younger than you, three friends older than you and three friends your same age. It’s been years since I recorded this song, but it still rings true. I have many new friends but I long to find the ones that inspired this song. I still hope to find the friends I left behind.


What’s Happening at RpT’s Library



I managed to get one thing done during our medically induced vacation by finishing the video for Emma Jane Conley’s latest release, John Lennon’s IMAGINE with special guest, Duane Carter.

Here is a photo of Roxi Copland and me after a couple hours working on a The Angel of the Diner. We have created a scenario for two characters and now we get to find out what’s in store for them. Co-writing is so much fun!

April 21st & 22nd - A perfect time to schedule a visit to Salado.

 Please mark your calendar for the weekend of April 21st & 22nd. We have scheduled the We Are MUSIC! Concert/Dance for both Friday and Saturday to be held at the Salado Museum, 423 South Main, Salado, TX. Joining me will be my friends TerryLynn & Richard Schrimsher (aka Touch of Class) with Special Guest Emma Jane Conley. Doors open at 6:30 and the fun begins at 7:00 PM. Don’t forget to wear your dancing shoes. Tickets are available at https://saladomuseum.org and at the door. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Salado Museum and College Park. See the information below regarding Salado’s Porch and Planet Fest happening during the day on Saturday, April 22nd.

Salado’s Music Friendly Community Advisory Board is moving forward with plans for the Salado Porch and Planet Festival being held from Noon to 5:00 PM on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023. Please mark your calendar – it would be great to have you visit Salado for this city-wide event. If you want to learn more, please check out https://www.saladotx.gov/music-friendly-community and it would be great if you would “LIKE” our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/SaladoMusicFriendly. Linda Griffith designed the event poster.

In case you missed the earlier newsletters, here is a link to the ones we have completed so far this year.


RpT available LIVE!


I would love the opportunity to play for you. I can bring my guitar to your home and perform for your family and friends. I can even bring along the “My Life in Song” multi-media show so we can have a real party on our hands. House concert/parties are fun and easy, and I will be happy to help you set one up.

Please give me a call if you are interested in my coming to your home one day soon.

My number is  (254) 493-7729 or write me at RpT@tbc-group.com


Each project I create involves many steps in the creative process. If you would like to join me and be a part of the process, please take a moment to check out my Patreon site and consider subscribing. Click on the link below.


Thank you for spending your time with me. RpT

 Richard Paul Thomas





“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life – Music & Cats”

Albert Schweitzer

RpT's Library

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