The following changes are now in effect as of October 1, 2022:
Rental license managing agent
As a reminder, all rental license holders who do not reside or maintain a business office within Philadelphia must identify a managing agent located within the City. Fields will be provided in eCLIPSE that will enable a license holder to identify managing agent information on new and renewal rental license applications.
PA Act 537 upload requirements
Applicants submitting a Commercial Building Permit application for new construction must include a completed Sewage Facilities Planning Module Application Mailer (Mailer) with their eCLIPSE application.
The Mailer can be found on the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) website at
Residential Building Permit applications will not be required to include the Mailer but may choose to upload the completed form as an application document with their permit application.
You will not be required to separately mail the form to PWD. Any questions about the Mailer or the PA Act 537 review process should be directed to
Mandatory project scoping meetings for residential developments
The Department offers a project scoping meeting for multi-phase construction projects, which results in the assignment of a single examiner, more streamlined permit processing, and reduction of accelerated fees for expedited projects.
As of October 1, 2022, we are phasing-in a requirement for a mandatory project scoping meeting for residential development with three or more homes on the same or adjacent parcel(s) when the associated zoning permit was issued on or after this date.
You must schedule an appointment to meet with Permit Services plan review staff prior to submitting for your building permit application and you will be prompted for the City-managed project number at application.
Important Note: This requirement will be phased-in based upon the date that the associated zoning permit was issued. We strongly encourage that the project scoping meeting be utilized on all other eligible projects.
Updates to trees and landscaping provisions in the zoning code
Updates to sections 14-705(1) and 14-803(5) institute new processes and requirements for trees and landscaping associated with development pursuant to Bill No. 220414. As before, and except under certain circumstances, all healthy trees of a minimum size that are removed from a lot during development must be replaced, but starting October 3rd, these requirements may be waived in exchange for the payment of an in-lieu fee to the Department of Parks and Recreation.
In addition, the number, types, and locations of plantings in and around parking lots, required land use buffers, and yards have been changed. As with tree replacement requirements, if an applicant is able to demonstrate that they are unable to meet these requirements, they may be granted a waiver, contingent upon the payment of an in-lieu fee to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Proof of payment must be submitted with the associated building permit application. Regulations defining additional requirements of the Department of Parks and Recreation shall follow.
Please review the changes to landscaping and tree preservation regulations for complete information on plan submission requirements.
The Philadelphia City Planning Commission shall provide prerequisite approval of zoning permits regarding the on-site landscape and tree requirements of Sections 14-705(1) with the following exception:
Applications limited to site-clearing only shall be reviewed by Licenses and Inspections for compliance with Section 14-705(1) and associated regulations of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. Please visit our website for additional requirements for the new Zoning Site Clearing or Earth Disturbance Permit.
The bill instituting these changes was signed on September 13, 2022. More information about these changes is available from the City Planning Commission and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Additional reminders:
Permit and license fees increase effective January 1, 2023
Fee increases for most permits, business licenses, and trade licenses issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) will take effect for new applications filed on or after January 1, 2023.
For more information on permit fee increase, please review the regulation. The upcoming permit and license fees will be posted to the website soon. The current fees will continue to apply to applications filed before January 1, 2023.
New special inspection license category established
A new Special Inspection License category, Structural Stability of Existing Buildings or Structures, has been established. The license category was created to support new special inspection requirements for existing buildings established under Bill No. 220008 that take effect on January 1, 2023.
Review Page 11 of the amended regulations relating to special inspector qualifications to learn more about license criteria.
The new category is available in eCLIPSE. To add this category to an existing license, the following steps must be taken:
Step 1: Submit a Trade License Amendment (and supporting documentation) to a Special Inspector License. This step is not required if your Special Inspection Agency License was approved based upon accreditation.
Step 2: After the change to the Special Inspector License has been approved, submit a Trade License Amendment to a Special Inspection Agency License to add this category or an inspector to your license.