Library eNewsletter | August 2024 | | |
Library Seeds to Sunflowers:
Our Garden's Unexpected Bloom
Did you know that the library has a community garden at the Pitney Meadows Community Farm? We took seeds from the our Seed Library: cilantro, beets, broccoli, blazing stars, parsnips, and some kale. We also planted bell peppers, sugar watermelon, and Swiss chard. What we ended up with were giant sunflowers, violets, and a few tomato plants from the previous garden tender. We were very successful in growing cilantro. We let it go to seed (Coriander) so it can be packaged for next year’s SSPL Seed Library.
Please help us grow next year’s collection! Collect seeds from your healthiest crops, set some aside for yourself, and bring some back to the library for our 2025 Seed Library. Seed-saving envelopes are available on-line or at the library in limited quantities.
Gardening takes patience, knowledge, time and a sprinkle of luck (with the weather). If you want to learn more about seed-savings, check out the Seed Library Network’s resource page and the library’s Seed Library page. Happy harvesting!
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Wild Adirondack Journey
with Jeff Nadler Photography
Wind down your summer adventures with local nature photographer, Jeff Nadler from 7 - 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 7th. Jeff will share a multimedia presentation of his still photos and videos, accompanied by peaceful music. Come enjoy birds, wildflowers, wildlife, and scenic Adirondack landscapes. He will also feature the Adirondack night sky, including the milky way and northern lights. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty nature. Please register online. For more about Jeff, visit his website here.
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Saratoga in Fashion
What did the fashionable lady wear to "take the waters" and be seen in Saratoga Springs during its Victorian and early 19th Century heyday? Attend Saratoga in Fashion from 1 - 2 p.m. Tuesday, August 13th, when Librarian Caitlin Sheldon will lead you on a tour of fashion history through the lens of photographs of Saratoga Springs from the library's Saratoga Room local history collection. No registration required.
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Lester Park: A Time Machine
More than 300 years have elapsed since humanity has developed the concepts that have shaped the way geologists interpret rock formations. These concepts have become the foundation of how geologists and other rock enthusiasts interpret rock exposures. Something as mundane as a road cut, blasted through during the expansion of our road network, often reveal glimpses into a grander story.
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Join Lester Park's Richard Frieman and Avery Blake from 7 - 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 14th, as they skip around through time from the past to the present, and then to the deep past… and back to the present again. Richard and Avery hope that all attendees will leave this presentation better equipped to read subtle clues hidden within the rocks around us, including the unique story told by the rocks at Lester Park in Greenfield Center. Please register online. | |
Program in Hand?
The Hard Copy or Digital Program Guide for July & August
SSPL prints limited quantities of our Program Guide, which covers two months of programming at a time. This option is for those who wish to have a physical document highlighting our offerings. If you are comfortable with an online format, we encourage you to help us conserve resources by choosing that option, and visiting our online link to the guide or our Events Calendar at There, you will find additional programming details, and if required, have the ability to register.
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Summer Reading 2024
Adventure Begins (and continues) at Your Library
The 2024 Summer Reading Program comes to a close on August 31st, and you still have a whole month to participate! We invite you view our Summer Reading Video, LibGuide, and online Events Calendar for more information.
And don't forget, adults can participate too! Three great prizes are up for grabs - a Ghost Trolly Tour, Saratoga Walking Tour, and Tiki Boat Tour. Stop in to pick up your reading passport OR download your own here.
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Kids Corner
What's New in August for Children & Their Families
Click on the links below to check out these offerings:
Children & Families
Paws4Reading | Multiple Dates & Times | Reading Age
Sensory Painting | Friday, August 2 | 10 - 11 a.m. | Age 3 - Grade 2
Story Time with Sunflower Sprouts Society (Pitney Meadows) | Saturday, August 3 | 9 - 9:45 a.m. | Children & Families
Paper Chain World Record | Sunday, August 4 | 2 - 2:30 p.m. | Grades K - 5
Hallway Art: My Summer Vacation | Wednesday, August 14 | 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. | Ages 4 - Grade 6
Uncurling Cursive | Thursday, August 15 | 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. | Grades 1 - 5
Minecraft Monday | Monday, August 19 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8
Watercolor Shadow Box Seascape with the Tang | Tuesday, August 20 | 10 - 11 a.m. | Grades 1 - 5
Neurodiversity Club | Tuesday, August 20 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades K - 12
Daniel Tiger's Picnic Adventure Story Time & Craft with PBS Kids | Friday, August 23 | 10:30 - 12 p.m. | Age 3 - Grade 2
Mindcraft Sandbox | Tuesday, August 27 | 1 - 2 p.m. | Grades 1 - 3
SSPL Visits the Saratoga Farmers' Market | Wednesday, August 28 | 3 - 6 p.m. | Children
Ice Cream Social | Friday, August 30 | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. | Summer Reading Participants
Please check our Events Calendar for Take-and-Make Crafts, Story Times, Baby Bounce, Music & Movement, Toddler Time, and Drop-In Crafts program availability.
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Parking at SSPL
Do you have your SSPL permit yet?
To date, we have registered more than 3,000 Saratoga Springs City School District residents with library cards for SSPL Parking Lot Permits. We are appreciative to everyone who has taken the time to complete this process. If you're not sure about how the parking permitting process works, please click this link. For additional information regarding free and paid parking options in Saratoga Springs, check out the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce's video here or this parking page.
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Current Library Hours & Services
The library is open seven days a week and indoor seating is available. Current hours of operation are Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sunday: Noon - 5 p.m.
Labor Day - Monday, September 2 - Library Closed
For a full list of services and additional updates, please visit the Library Announcements section of our homepage at
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How to Find Out About
Programs at Your Library
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Over the last few years, our librarians and presenters from a great many Saratoga Springs community organizations have been diligently working to produce online content for our YouTube channel. We're showcasing everything from children's story times, crafts, community conversations with local non-profits, book talks, gardening, travel, local history, art, tech tutorials, and so much more! As we continue with online programming, additional videos are added all the time, so please check out what's currently available and/or subscribe through the link below.
SSPL YouTube Channel
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