In celebration of Black history, heritage, and culture, enjoy Santa Ana Public Library’s collection of books, movies, and e-resources. 
A Special Storytime - Feb 16, 2021

Reach for the Stars! A Celebration of Black History Storytime will have stories, songs and activities that highlight children’s books about Black history and celebrates the achievements of Black individuals. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications!
Tune in Fridays at noon and join us in paying tribute to African American musicians from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Join the Rocking & Remembering: Oldies But Goodies Program with Roger Jones. Explore music, share memories, play trivia and connect with others.

Request the Rocking and Remembering Kit for more exploration into an era of iconic tunes. Limited kits are available. Call 714-647-5264 to reserve your very own kit today. Register here.
Black History Month Trivia
Join us to celebrate Black History Month with this special Santa Ana Trivia — Click here to test your knowledge today!
Take It & Make It: I Am Poem
A mixed media take-and-make program to create an artwork, acknowledging your heritage. Kits will be available for pickup during curbside hours at Main Library, 10 AM to 5 PM, while supplies last! No registration required. 
Para obtener más información, por favor llame.
Để biết thêm chi tiết, xin vui lòng gọi cho chúng tôi.
Take It & Make It: Lunar New Year Craft Kits
Celebrate the Year of the Ox this Lunar New Year with Take It & Make It Craft Kits! Craft Kits will be distributed during our curbside hours, 10AM to 5PM, at both the Main and Newhope Libraries from February 8th through February 12th, while supplies last. Craft kits are for all youth up to 8th grade. Kits are limited to one per child. No registration is required.
Tween Take It & Make It: Valentine's Day Special
Send love and smiles with Tween Take It & Make It: Valentine’s Day Special for grades 4-8. Kits will be distributed during our curbside pickup hours, 10AM to 5PM, from February 8 through February 12, at both Main and Newhope libraries, while supplies last. No registration is required.
Teen & Tween
Take It & Make It:
Un-Valentine's Painting
Un-Valentine’s Painting Craft Kits will be distributed during our curbside hours, 10AM to 5PM, at the Main Library from February 8th through February 12th, while supplies last. Craft kits are for Tweens and Teens. Kits are limited to one per youth. No registration is required.
It’s a good thing I have my library card, because I’m totally checking you out! During the month of February, 2021, SAPL will be conducting matchmaking services for 28 Young Adult legible book-chelors. Follow @SantaAnaLibrary on social media to view their profiles. Register to reserve your very own blind date with a book: 
Live! Feb 26, 2021
Tweens, it’s Trivia Time! Participate in an enjoyable, interactive activity with other Tweens. Learn and have fun as you test and increase your knowledge in a variety of subjects: books, music, movies, and much more! Guaranteed to be a fun as well as an educational experience! Registration is limited, register now. Zoom meeting information will be provided through registration. 
Puppet Storytime
Fridays in February 2021
What do puppets and children have in common? They love storytime! Tune in every Friday in February to watch our puppet friends share some of their favorite books.

Follow us on social media or subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications!
Digital Collection

Enjoy newly added eBooks and audiobooks for free through Santa Ana Public Library!

Kanopy is the best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment. Now available at Santa Ana Public Library!
JobNow & VetNow

Free live online assistance for job seekers, veterans, and their families!


Need articles for a research project? ProQuest provides a single source for scholarly journals, papers, reports, digitized primary sources along with thousands of quality e-books.
RB Digital

Rbdigital allows you to borrow eMagazines and watch eStreaming videos on your tablet and computer. Just create an account and start enjoying magazines and videos for FREE.
Universal Class

Universal Class offers more than 500 online courses in more than 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs). It includes videos, assignments, quizzes, tests, and options for social media interaction with other learners.
eLibrary Card

Don’t have an e-library card? Sign-up for an eLibrary card to access books, materials and hotspots.
Curbside Pickup

Convenient and Contact Less. How to get started?

Enjoy access to The New York Times when logging into the news website while at the Santa Ana Public Library. For readers at home, enjoy free access for 24 hours on us!
Other Services
The library is offering online tutoring services for K-12th grade students. Tutoring will be provided through ZOOM and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is required to receive further instructions to participate in online tutoring. Join us!
Registration Required:
Regístre su(s) estudiante(s) aquí para recibir una confirmación por correo electrónico con instrucciones para participar en la tutoría en línea.
Santa Ana youth can now borrow safe, filtered Wi-Fi hotspots from both Main and Newhope Libraries for three weeks!
Visit the Library’s website at Library Services Virtual Programming and eLibrary Services for more information and instructions on how to access and participate in these programs.
Library Services | 714-647-5250 | 26 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana CA 92701