May 10, 2024
Candle-lighting 7:27 p.m.
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Dear Friends,
Today is the 17th day of the omer.
Finally (finally!), the stars have aligned to allow us to have our first outdoor service of the year. The weather is predicted to cooperate (64◦ and clear at 10:00 a.m.), the field is free and the elevator is operational.
Today we have two polls: a repeat of last week's regarding Shavuot for those who have not already responded and one regarding a possible Dodger outing again this year. Please take 30 seconds to complete both polls.
Also in this week's Update:
Shabbat Services - 9:45 a.m.
- Mishnah Study
- Poll re Shavuot
- Poll re Dodger Game
- Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut - Monday
- Torah Morsels
- Upcoming Calendar
- Donations This Week
- Dear Libby
- Haftarah Plethora
- Jewish Trivia
If you have questions, suggestions, or want to include something in a future Weekly Update, please email Joel Elkins at
Shabbat Shalom
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Shabbat Services
Services begin at 9:45 a.m. on the Ziering Family Field, followed by a simple kiddush.
Shabbat should be a time set aside from everyday disturbances. If you must bring your phone to shul, please set it to silence before entering.
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Mishna Study
Mishna Study starts at 9:15 on Shabbat morning in the Whiteman Conference Room and on Zoom. Hannah Kramer will lead us in the study of the fourth Mishna of Chapter 11 of Tractate Shabbat,
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Poll re Shavuot
For those who did not respond yet, can you tell us one way or the other whether you would be interested in a 8:30 a.m. non-livestreamed service on first day Shavuot (in addition to the sunrise service on the rooftop and joint service at 9:30 a.m.).
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Would you attend this minyan? | | | |
Would you be willing to help organize? | | | |
Are you interested in attending a Library Minyan outing to a Dodger game? | | | |
If you answered yes, which option appeals to you the most? | | | |
Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzmatut
This Monday at 7:00 p.m., Temple Beth Am is hosting a transition from Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) to Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) for the entire Westside Jewish community with an evening of music, commemoration and learning. The event is free but registration is required. Parking and security will be tight, so please walk or bike if you can. For more information and to register click here.
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Torah Morsel
This week's Torah Morsel is brought to us by our Rosh, Joel Elkins. If you would like to present one in the future, sign up here.
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On buses in Israel there are signs near the front that say מפני שיבה תקום (stand for the elderly). This is a quote from from this week’s parsha, Kedoshim.
The Talmud tells the story of Rabbi Shmuel the son of Rabbi Yosef sitting in a bathhouse when his teacher Rabbi Shimon the son of Yehuda HaNasi passes by. When Rabbi Shmuel does not stand, Rabbi Shimon gets angry and complains to his father “I taught him two of the nine parts of the Torat Kohanim (the halakhic midrash on Leviticus) and yet he does not stand before me.” His father gently responds “Perhaps he was busy contemplating what you had taught him.”
Rabbi Shimon may have been very learned but he was not as wise as his father, who understood not to sweat the small stuff, to accept but not insist on honor and not to presume the ill-intentions of others.
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Upcoming Calendar
Below is a list of upcoming special kiddushes and events. If you would like to contribute to any of these (or to add another kiddush-worthy occasion), please click here and indicate the event in the notes.
5/18 - Torah Club end of year celebration
5/25 - Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Ben Richards
6/2 - AJU Gala honoring Elliot Dorff and Michael Berenbaum
6/8 - Fran Grossman's 70th birthday
6/15 - Graduation Shabbat
Donations This Week
Frumi & Benjamin Gluck
-in honor of Fran Grossman's 70th birthday
The following people donated this week in honor of Elliot Dorff and Michael Berenbaum:
-Jim & Marci Rogozen
-Stan & Val Goldstein
-Gary & Marlisse Bachrach
-Norman & Rachel Green
-Batya & David Ordin
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Dear Libby
Dear Libby:
Help me! The non-Jew I sold my chametz to has refused to sell it back to me. Not only do I no longer own any of my old spices and dry goods, but he periodically comes over for a bite to eat. What can I do?
Dear Wit's End:
Easy. If you have kids, tell him that they ate some chametz just before the beginning of chag and, because they still had some in their stomachs at the time the contract took effect, under Jewish law, he was now the proud owner of these lovely tykes. This should put him in more of a selling mood. If you don't have kids, the same should work with in-laws. Hope this helps.
If you would like Libby to answer your questions or solve your problems, submit your questions and/or kvetches to
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In a reprise of Haftarah Plethora for Kedoshim, Larry’s granddaughter Millie makes her first appearance on the program. The boys ruminate about the minor league of prophets and discuss when “hello” is a question and not a greeting. Larry is perplexed by the choice of Haftarah for the Parsha while Rick makes the case that the conclusion to the book of Amos is uplifting and hopeful.
You can see all of Larry and Rick's recordings here.
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Jewish Trivia
Last week's question: Last week we read about K'riyat Yam Suf (the splitting of the Red Sea). Where else is the Tanach does God split the waters so that the Israelites can cross? Answer: In Joshua, Chapter 3, the Israelites came to the shores of the Jordan River. And when the priests carrying the Holy Ark placed their feet in the river, the waters parted so that they and all the Israelites could cross on dry land. (Only partial credit if you guessed Elisha splitting the Jordan, as chronicled in 2 Kings, Chapter 2, as that was only for his passing, not the entire people.)
This week's question: The airport code for Ben Gurion Airport is TLV, as it officially serves Tel Aviv, a city that is a little over a hundred years old. However it is actually located closer to what city, which dates back thousands of years, whose establishment is chronicled in the Tanach, and which is mentioned in the Talmud as home to many Jewish rabbis and scholars? (Answer next week.)
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The Hesed Fund supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. The Outreach Fund supports new, particularly youth, membership. The General Fund goes for everyday expenses, primarily kiddushim. If you would like to make a donation to any of these funds, click here. | | | | | | |