LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
October 20, 2020
The State of LHiNC
During LHiNC’s Annual Meeting on October 6, Board Chair Steve Birch provided an annual overview of the neighborhood council. If you’d like to learn more about what LHiNC does, what we’ve achieved in the past year, and how you can get more involved, You can watch his very informative report online.

The Annual Meeting also marked the start of our board elections. Polls close tonight at 8:00pm. Meet the candidates and vote online here!
LHiNC Honors Linden Hills Treasures
Each fall, LHiNC presents Linden Hills Treasure Awards to residents or business owners who enhance the quality of our neighborhood through volunteer efforts or giving back to the community. Each award winner is nominated by someone in the community.

During this year’s LHiNC Annual Meeting, we presented the Linden Hills Treasure Award to: 

  • Leah Fish
  • Steve Eberly
  • Tammy Meyer 
Congratulations to the winners - you can read more about all our honorees at
Sewing Activists Make Thousands of Masks
for Healthcare Providers
By: Linda Picone, LHiNC Board Member
A group of sewing activists—that is, people who use their sewing skills in environmental activism—switched
overnight from making Boomerang Bags for
eco-conscious shoppers to making thousands of face masks for frontline healthcare providers and their patients.

The women in Linden Hills who started Boomerang Bags to provide free cloth bags in an effort to reduce the use of non-reusable paper or, worse, plastic, grocery bags did what people and businesses across the spectrum did in the face of COVID-19: They pivoted and changed their operation virtually overnight. Read all about this exciting collaborative effort.
LHiNC Environmental Update
Save Energy in your Home 

  • What’s your home's energy score? Each home energy score is generated by looking at the areas with the highest opportunity for energy savings: attic and wall insulation, heating system and storm windows. Check out the Center for Energy and Environment's interactive map to find your score.
  • Want to improve your home energy score? Find out how by signing up for a free virtual Home Energy Squad visit.

Healthy Soil Tips

Ginny Halloran of LHiNC’s Environment and Sustainability Committee has compiled “12 Easy Steps to Support Healthy Carbon Rich Soils”.

For a vigorous garden that improves your soil, cleans the air, and lessens climate change, two easy steps for fall are: 1) leave your leaves and 2) and mulch. Read more about these and all the easy steps to healthy soil. 

The Environment and Sustainability Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Bremer Linden Hills, 4278 Sheridan Ave. S.If you’re interested in joining the committee, please reach out. Contact: Leah Fish,
Zoning Code Changes Explained
LHiNC Virtual Presentation - Impact on Linden Hills
The City of Minneapolis is in the process of updating its zoning code to match the development guidelines of Minneapolis 2040. Last week, LHiNC’s Housing and Zoning Committee held a virtual presentation and discussion to review some recent zoning code changes and explain their impact on the Linden Hills neighborhood.

The changes impact draft built form regulations, which govern issues such as: building height, floor area ratio (FAR), lot sizes and setbacks from property lines. The presentation provided by LHiNC Board Member Bjorn Olson - Zoning Code Changes Explained - is now available online.
Immigrant & Refugee Speaker Series
Immigrant Law Center of MN
Last month, Veena Iyer, Executive Director of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, joined us for an eye-opening discussion on the tough legal challenges facing immigrants and refugees today. She also shared specific action steps for people who want to help.

This talk is part of an ongoing series co-hosted by Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and the Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA); it focuses on issues impacting immigrants and refugees in our community. Watch Ms. Iyer’s full talk on LHiNC’s YouTube Channel.
Public Hearings on City Budget
Minneapolis City Council is currently reviewing the mayor’s proposed 2021 budget, which calls for a 5.75% maximum levy increase. Public hearings on the proposed 2021 City budget are planned for Nov. 16, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9. Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more.
Hennepin County Library Linden Hills
We're Still Here for You
  • “Dial A Story”: Listen to Jessica read a different story each week by dialing 612-543-6830. 
  • Adult Virtual Book Club: November 17, 7:00 p.m. We’ll discuss the 2011 Newbery Award-winning book, Moon over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool. Email Jessica Ryan if you would like to join the virtual book club. 
  • Trivia Afternoon - all ages - Individuals or Teams. Thursday, October 27, 3 to 4:30pm. Email and we'll send out an invite so you can connect. 
Hennepin County Library
Homework Resources 101Registration required
Get ahead with your homework. Join us for a virtual tour to learn how to access and use the online resources available through HCL. We will be highlighting "HelpNow", which is available free with your library card and includes: 
  • tutoring every day between 1-11 p.m. in English and Spanish
  • a writing lab that provides feedback on your essays
  • learning about resources to build your skills in reading, science, and math
Virtual tours are offered: Tues Oct 20; & Thu Oct 22, at 4:30 to-5:30pm & 6 to 7 p.m. 
Power Up Job Search WorkshopsOctober 26-31, registration required for each session.
A week’s worth of support & ideas for your job search, with virtual programs on a variety of topics,
Antisemitism in Minneapolis
A virtual Presentation by the Linden Hills History Study Group
November 5, 7 to 9:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Jews, like their African-American and Japanese-American fellow residents, faced serious discrimination and social exclusion in employment, housing, and some public accommodations. One of the leading investigative journalists of the era, Carey McWilliams, noted in his Common Ground article “Minneapolis: The Curious Twin” (1946), “One might even say, with a measure of justification, that Minneapolis is the capital of anti-Semitism in the United States.” Steve Hunegs, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, will help us understand the history of antisemitism in Minneapolis.

Please call 612-926-0646 or email and give us the email address where you’d like the Google Meet link to be sent, so that you can participate.
Around the Neighborhood
Streetcar Ghost Trolley Halloween Movie
The Como-Harriet Streetcar Line won’t be running their annual Ghost Trolley or Late Show this year. But they didn’t want to miss out on Halloween fun. So they decided to produce a movie. “Ghost Trolley Anthology” contains five short spooky stories – several based on Ghost Trolley and Late Show’s past. Cast and crew involved in the 22-minute epic are all Museum volunteers. Like the actual Ghost Trolley experience, the movie may not be suitable for very young children; parents might want to watch it first. You can see it on the Minnesota Streetcar Museum’s YouTube channel:

Elections and Voter Services - Minneapolis
Learn how to vote early in the upcoming election, how to register, where to vote, and what's on the ballot.

Fall Street Sweeping Begins
Minneapolis Public Works has begun the big task of curb-to-curb sweeping and leaf collection on streets throughout the city. For the next four weeks, crews will clean about 1,000 miles of city streets. Temporary “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance, so streets will be clear of cars when they’re swept. Anyone who parks on the street will need to follow posted parking rules or their cars may be ticketed and towed. Read more about the parking rules.

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram | @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens -
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC -