LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
November 17, 2020
New Statewide COVID-19 Restrictions
New restrictions announced by Governor Tim Walz went into effect November 13, in an effort to combat the state’s current COVID-19 spike.The restrictions apply to individuals, social gatherings, celebrations, receptions, and attendance in bars and restaurants - the most significant sources of outbreaks across the state. For a full list of restrictions, please visit 

Some New Restrictions Include:

  • Social gatherings must not exceed 10 people for both indoor and outdoor settings and are limited to members of only three households or less.
  • Dine-in service must close between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. Businesses may remain open for takeout and delivery.
  • No seating or service at the bar or counter. For businesses that only offer counter service, customers may line up with a mask, staying six feet apart and then return to their seat.

COVID-19 Related Resources:

  • Free tests and flu shots: The City of Minneapolis is offering free COVID-19 tests and flu shots. Testing is available to everyone, whether or not they have symptoms. Find a current list of free COVID-19 tests and flu shots.
  • Home Testing: Minnesota and Vault Medical Services have teamed up to offer at-home saliva testing for everyone at no cost. Go to Vault: No-Cost COVID Testing For All Minnesotans to order a test. Read more about the program here. 
  • Housing Assistance Program: Minnesota Housing has funds available for a limited time to help eligible Minnesotans cover past due housing costs like rent, mortgage and utilities. Apply online or call (651-291-0211).
  • Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps pay for home heating costs and furnace repairs for income-qualified households, including renters and homeowners. Apply today
Community Safety - Resources and Events
Ward 13 Public Safety Conversation & Resources
On Friday October 30th, Ward 13 Council Member Linea Palmisano hosted a Public Safety Conversation with 5th Precinct Inspector Amelia Huffman to discuss recent crime trends, precinct level response, and prevention measures to curb the uptick in crime. 

  • For a detailed summary of the talk, please read the meeting’s minutes here. 
  • The inspector shared an online resource that gives residents access to data on crimes in our neighborhood and across the city: Minneapolis Crime Maps and Dashboards
  • They also called attention to the importance of knowing your neighbors and having block captains (see below).

Block Captains - Do you have one?
According to the 5th precinct, sixteen blocks in Linden Hills do not have a block captain. Check this map to see if your block is one of them. The role of a block captain includes:

  • Sharing crime prevention information with your neighbors,
  • Sharing crime alerts or police advisories with your Block Club
  • Creating a directory/email list, so you can easily contact all on your block.

Read more about block captains here: If you’d like to know who your block captain is or are interested in becoming one, please contact our 5th Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist Jennifer Waisanen at: 612-673-5407 or

Safety Now Community Forum
The Jordan Area Community Council (JACC) in north Minneapolis in conjunction with the Mayor's Office, the MPD Chief of Police, the U.S. Attorney General and the Department of Justice have organized a community forum to address the surge of gun violence in Minneapolis. "Safety Now Community Forum" will be held virtually on November 19 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. The panel discussion will feature residents, Mayor Jacob Frey, and MPD Police Chief Medaria Arradondo. All residents are welcome. To attend, please email Cathy Spann from JACC

Community Safety Survey
In June 2020, the City Council pledged to create a new model of community safety. This Community Safety Survey is one of the first steps in that process. Through the survey, you can share your vision for a new community safety model and provide ideas on how to accomplish it. Results from the survey will be used to guide the City’s next steps for community engagement. Survey deadline is November 30. Take the survey today.
LHiNC Plans a Forum on the Future of Policing
During the immediate aftermath of the death of George Floyd, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council committed to listening to members of disenfranchised communities as well as those in Linden Hills in addressing injustice.

As part of that, LHiNC is organizing a public forum on the future of policing in Minneapolis to be held in January 2021. We understand this conversation isn’t simple. There are many viewpoints on the issue and many constraints, including state laws, union contracts, and funding.
As we work toward the forum, LHiNC will share resources that reflect those different voices and positions, in hopes of creating a more informed discussion in January. This month, we are sharing the first of those resources: 

Minneapolis League of Women Voters present: “We the People” Policing Series (4 parts that took place in 2020)
  • July 27: Discussing police abolition and public safety with Minneapolis/St. Paul lawyer and activist Nekima Levy-Armstrong
  •  August 14: Debate over police abolition and methods for strengthening community and public safety
  • Sept 9: Discussing police contracts in Minneapolis and how to incentivize fewer incidents of police brutality
  • Oct 30: Discussing the lack of female officers on the Minneapolis Police Force and the importance of mental health and de-escalation training for officers.
If you have questions or want more information about the forum or the shared resources, please email
Linden Hills History Study Group Presents:
December 7 - 7:00 p.m.
George Elmslie: In the Shadow of Louis Sullivan

Join the Linden Hills History Study Group to hear Richard Kronick tell the story of George Elmslie, chief draftsman from 1895 to 1909 for Louis Sullivan, Chicago’s leading architect. Sullivan was dubbed “Prophet of Modernism,” but Richard will show that, for eight well-known buildings that came out of Sullivan’s office, most of the credit belongs to George Elmslie.

Richard will present this talk in the 1911 Oscar and Katherine Owre house in Minneapolis, designed by Purcell, Feick & Elmslie, and the presentation will include a brief tour of the house.
Email for a link to this Zoom meeting.

The LHHSG October and November virtual programs are now available on the website under Updates Videos: Closing Time with Andy Sturdevant and Bill Lindeke; Antisemitism in Minneapolis with Steve Hunegs
Proposed 2021 City Budget Discussion
Share Budget Feedback Online at City Public Hearings
Join Council Member Palmisano for a virtual meeting with Budget Director Micah Intermill to discuss the city’s proposed 2021 budget. They will also be looking at some of the cost-savings measures taken in 2020 and how they impact the day-to-day services of residents, public safety and an overview of how CARES funding has been utilized.

There are also two upcoming online public budget hearings for people to share thoughts on Mayor Jacob Frey’s recommended 2021 City Budget. You can also submit comments online at the City’s website.

Online public hearings
  • 6:05 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2
  • 6:05 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9

Hennepin County Library Linden Hills
We're Still Here for You
Dial A Story: Listen to Jessica read a different story each week by dialing 612-543-6830. Leave a message so we know you listened.

Adult Read Aloud - here are the upcoming stories:

  • November 18 at 1:00pmGrayson by Lynne Cox – read by Minnetonka Librarian Dulcey Heller. This captivating story tells the true story of a miraculous encounter between a teenage girl and a baby whale off the coast of California.
  • December 2 at 1:00 pm: Anyone Can Do It by Manuel Muñoz – read by Linden Hills Librarian Jessica Ryan. Included in the 2019 Best American Short Stories edited by Anthony Doerr, this story takes us to the migrant fields of California.
  • Please register here:

For Adults: Identity Theft: An identity thief can hijack your tax refund, alter your medical records, and prevent you from getting credit or a job. Learn what identity theft is, how to protect yourself and avoid identity theft - discover clear action steps to take if it does happen to you. Offered Saturday, November 21 and Saturday, December 12 from 10am – 12pm. Registration required. This will be hosted on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to you once you’ve registered.

Adult Virtual Book Club: December 15, 7pm. We’ll discuss Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. The group also plans to share a favorite recipe or holiday tradition at this meeting. Email Jessica Ryan - if you would like to join the virtual book club. 

Parks Update - Winter Sports
Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board is moving ahead with winter sports, including programs through Linden Hills and Pershing Parks. Registration spots will be limited, due to limited gym space and COVID-19 restrictions. Registration is now open for most winters sports, including basketball and hockey. Register here.

Also, Linden Hills Park will have an ice rink and hockey rink this winter, but the warming room will be closed. 
Holly Trolley News!
Here’s a fun and safe way for children to visit with the Jolly Old Elf this season. The Minnesota Streetcar Museum is offering Holly Trolley – Virtual Visit with Santa Claus. The Museum is unable to operate our very popular holiday events this year, but Santa had the days blocked on his schedule. So, through the Zoom application, kids will be able to chat with Santa directly from his home at the North Pole. While they discuss their wish list and ask about flying reindeer, you’ll have plenty of time to save the experience with a screen shot for your holiday card or scrapbook.

Santa will be online from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, November 28 & 29, and December 5 & 6. Visit our site,, for complete information and to schedule a time to talk with Santa. It’s free!
Around the Neighborhood
Meet the LHiNC New Board Members
Congratulations to the eight Linden Hills residents who were elected to join the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council Board for a two-year term.

Young Environmentalist Workshop featured in SWJ - In October, LHiNC's Environment and Sustainability Committee hosted its first Young Environmentalist Workshop, featuring local youth: Felix Malcom-Manzoni, Ethan Fish, Shona Snater and Moira Daley. A special thank you to organizer Ginny Halloran! Please read more about the event in the Southwest Journal Article here.

Tips on How to Reduce Holiday Waste - Check out these tips from the city’s Waste Management & Recycling Division to have a less wasteful holiday season.

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram | @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens -
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC -