LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
September 9, 2020 - Special Edition
Get Involved in Your Community
Summer is almost over, and we know that schedules are booking up fast. If you would like to schedule in some time to take part in your community, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council has some small and large ways you can get involved.
Join the LHiNC Board
If you love Linden Hills and want to contribute to this great neighborhood, consider running for the LHiNC board. LHiNC serves as a voice of Linden Hills residents, works to increase community involvement, and provides communication between the neighborhood and the city and within the Linden Hills community. Meet the current board here.
How to apply: Elections this year will be held online, beginning at the LHiNC Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 6 and running through October 20. To add your name to the ballot, please complete the online application by September 28.

Do You Know a Neighborhood Treasure?
Is there a Linden Hills resident or business owner that you know who enhances the quality of our neighborhood through volunteer efforts or a strong sense of community?

Each year, LHiNC honors a handful of people who are true neighborhood treasures. If you know someone who fits that description, please nominate them by completing an online form. We will present the awards during LHiNC’s Virtual Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 6. 
The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 25. Please nominate your special neighbor today.
Provide Feedback:
New Playground Plans for Linden Hills
The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board surveyed our neighborhood a few months ago to determine how to best renovate the playground at Linden Hills Park. The MPRB design team just completed the concept plan for the new play areas at LH Park. Now they want to get your feedback. 
  1. Review the Concept Plan for Linden Hills Park play areas
  2. Share your comments by taking an online survey or sending an email
  3. You can also visit the project page and sign up to receive project updates
The deadline to provide feedback is September 18, 2020.
Attend a Virtual Speaker Series on Immigration
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and the Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs are co-hosting a series of virtual talks focused on issues impacting immigrants and refugees in our community and how people can help.
September 17 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., we are honored to welcome our second speaker in this series: Veena Iyer, Executive Director of the Immigration Law Center of Minnesota. Ms. Iyer will discuss the work of the Center during these challenging times and share how people can help the immigrant community and the center in its work. 

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram | @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens -
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC -