Dear Diocese of Florida,
Registration will open tomorrow for the Special Electing Convention at Camp Weed on Nov. 19.
Ahead of its opening, we'd like to use this message today to educate and remind our diocesan community on who is eligible to vote.
Those who have a seat, voice and vote at any diocesan convention are listed in Canon 1, Section 3 of our Diocesan Canons. Most notably, below are details on how clergy delegates (canonically resident clergy) and congregational lay delegates are determined.
Requirements of Canonically Resident Clergy
All canonically resident clergy of our diocese in good standing are eligible to vote. In a recent FAQ video (8:15-9:49), we shared standards that guide Bishop Howard and our diocese when considering granting or maintaining clergy's canonical residency. These standards have been in place and followed for several decades, and many of which are used by other dioceses.
As stated in the FAQ video, any clergy who feels they are eligible to be canonically resident in the Diocese of Florida but is not is invited by the Bishop to be in contact with him directly.