Dear Friends,

In a lot of ways, the last three years have been stranger than anything I've ever experienced. But, in a lot of ways, the life of First United Methodist Church has continued just as it always has. We have worshiped together, welcomed new members, started new missions and ministries, and grown closer to one another. That's the life of the church, even through Zoom Sunday School, social distancing (remember when we did reserved seating in worship?), outdoor revival, and drive-thru pancake dinners, we keep Sharing the Heart of Christ.

Many of you have joined this church in the past few years, and don't remember the last time things were "normal." Even for long-time members, normal was a long time ago. In that spirit, your church staff and I wanted to bring back an old tradition in a new way.

Years ago, we offered several opportunities for new people interested in our church to learn about the history and beliefs of United Methodism, to get connected in missions and small groups, and to join the church without having to walk down in front of the congregation. Since it has been so long since we've offered any of these things, we wanted to invite everyone - visitors, new members, or anyone who is curious - to learn more about the church.

You can find more information below, including some updates on the national debate in our United Methodist Church over inclusiveness, and why some congregations are leaving the denomination.

I hope this opportunity is a blessing for you, and that it helps you learn more about your church, grow closer to God, and Share the Heart of Christ.

Pastor Tommy

We have several opportunities coming up to learn about First United Methodist Church McKinney. We are offering them this month and will offer them again soon. We will also add online options for those who want to take a class or join as part of our online community. If you have questions about these classes or joining the church, please email Pastor Macie.
April 16th at 11:10AM
Curious about what it means to be a United Methodist? Have questions about how United Methodism came to be? Join Pastor Macie in the Parlor to learn about our history and future as United Methodists.
April 23rd at 11:10AM
Join Pastor Macie in the Parlor to learn about the mission and ministry of our church! This is wonderful for new members, members who want to learn more, and anyone interested in this church.
April 30th
Join in person at any service or RSVP to join via Zoom at noon
Have you always wanted to join at the end of a service, but didn't want to walk down by yourself? Join the Church Sunday is a time where everyone can join together. Feel free to fill out our New Member Form in advance so we can have your New Member Gift ready!

Do you worship online? You can join in a special Zoom session at noon! Email Pastor Macie to sign up!
You may have heard that some churches are planning on leaving the United Methodist denomination over the issue of human sexuality and inclusiveness. In the North Texas Conference, 41 churches left while more than 230 churches remain undeterred from their mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Even though we are living through complicated times, we know that what God calls us to do is simple. To love one another. No matter what changes, this is what we will do. We will Share the Heart of Christ from the Heart of McKinney as a United Methodist Church.

  • A new video from Pastor Tommy
  • A letter and video from Bishop Saenz
  • Links to FAQs and info about The United Methodist Church
  • A video message from Pastor Abe

This is wonderful information to share if you would like. All of your pastors are also available to visit with you if you have questions. Contact Kathy Parent if you would like to set up a meeting.