Let's get the facts straight

I respect the residents of this district and communicate with you continuously, honestly and factually. 

When my opponent, Tina Courpas, entered the race as the endorsed Republican candidate for State Representative, I thought she intended to do the same. She made a point of announcing that she was running to restore “civility” to political discourse, and that while she intended to run a “tough campaign” it would also be “fair.” And I took her at her word. 

That’s why I was surprised to learn that she has violated her own promise to voters already. 

My opponent has been circulating a campaign flier in which she is spreading lies about my legislative record. The use of the word “lies” is not campaign hyperbole or political rhetoric. When I vote yes on a bill and my opponent claims that I voted no – that’s a lie. To highlight a few examples:

  • I voted YES on a bill to strengthen protections against domestic violence (SB5). My opponent claims I voted no. That's a lie. Further, my opponent falsely claims I voted “against murder convictions for abusers who murder.” Another lie. She’s mistakenly referring to a last minute amendment that was roundly rejected. Had the amendment passed, it would have imposed a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole for anyone who murdered a family member, whether they were the abuser or the abused.  

  • I voted YES on a bill (HB5467) that improves reporting of juvenile criminal records in a firearms background check database. My opponent falsely claims I voted no and prevented “police from fingerprinting violent criminals.” That’s a lieTo add to the egregiousness of her falsehood, my opponent asserts that police cannot currently fingerprint juveniles accused of violent crimes. This too is false

  • I voted YES on a bill (HB5498) to improve election integrity by requiring video cameras at absentee ballot dropboxes and making it a crime to harass election workers. My opponent claims I voted against “signature matching on absentee ballots,” an amendment introduced on the floor of the Senate. Another lie. I couldn’t have voted against that amendment because it did not come up for a vote in the House. 

  • My opponent claims I voted 98% of the time with Democrats, when in truth, I am proud of our legislative record – passing over 400 acts in the past 2 years – 98% passed with bipartisan support. So, my votes with Democrats? Those were also votes with my Republican colleagues!

The examples above are just a few of the distortions and lies she’s been sharing about my record. I am gravely concerned that my opponent fails to grasp the difference between voting on a bill and an amendment, votes taken in committee and on the floor, and the distinction between the House and the Senate. What’s worse is that she’s either failed to verify the accusations she’s lodged against my voting record or she’s chosen to intentionally deceive voters.

What’s more, the language she uses in her flier are words chosen specifically to stoke fear, divisiveness and hate.

I am proud of my legislative accomplishments. In the two years since I was elected, we passed the largest income tax cuts in CT history, secured close to $100 million for Greenwich and Stamford, safeguarded and expanded reproductive health care, protected first responders and improved public safety. There is more to be done, and I’m ready to do it.

All my best,

Paid for by Rachel for CT149, Diane Kretschmann, Treasurer. Approved by Rachel Khanna.
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