California Lions Friends in Sight is back, thanks in very large part to the Lions who place eyeglass donation boxes in their communities and then routinely collect them for recycling and providing to people in need.
In this email we are pleased to announce new ways for other Lions to join in the adventure and to offer, for those who now collect, the opportunity to “take it up a notch”. You’ll be serving the community and playing a direct role in the preparation of eyeglasses for the people we serve.
Here's a wonderful way to strengthen your friendship with fellow Lions while engaging in an important service project together. This is your opportunity to get members of your club, family, and friends together preparing donated eyeglasses for distribution at free vision screenings. You will be part of giving eyeglasses to all who need them by helping to sort, clean, or measure the usable eyeglasses. It's also a great assignment for Leos. You have three NEW exciting ways to give the gift of clear vision and make a direct contribution to the success of the vision screenings in your District!