As advocates for children and youth, it sometimes can be difficult to see the full impact of our work for kids. That’s why we’re excited to share our first-ever impact snapshot. Thanks to our collaboration with communities and partners like you, in 2021 we assisted 27 communities and states with their strategic finance planning; organized 30 local leaders from voter-approved children’s funds; and tracked American Rescue Plan funding in 27,000+ states, tribes, counties, cities, towns and schools.

We couldn’t do this work without you! Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to expand equitable opportunities for kids through strategic public financing.
This Month's Kids Funding Win
On April 30, voters in New Orleans, LA, successfully passed a new property tax that will generate more than $21 million annually for early childhood programs in the city. This new revenue will fund more than 1,000 high-quality seats for children ages 0-3 years from low-income families. Additionally, the state of Louisiana will match the new local funds, which together will create over 2,000 new seats, five times the current amount. Congratulations to the campaign organizers and the countless volunteers and advocates who have been working tirelessly to pass this measure!

In Case You Missed It
How One State’s Advocates Are Prioritizing Infants and Toddlers

Our new case study, A Coalition of Caring: How Wisconsin Advocates Are Building a System of Child Care for Infants and Toddlers, highlights how advocates such as Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) pursued a coordinated approach to advance state and local policies designed to support a high-quality sustainable model of child care. The coalition even secured several child care and early learning priorities in the governor’s 2021-2023 state budget recommendations. The Wisconsin state legislature approved an allocation of $194 million in State Fiscal Recovery Funds through the American Rescue Plan to support early care and education.

New Series: Funding Our Kids 101

We want everyone to become an expert on funding children and youth. Our new series of fact sheets, Funding Our Kids 101, will give you the basic tools and knowledge on how financing programs and services for children and youth works. We released the first two fact sheets in this series where we break down fiscal maps and cost models: what they are, how to conduct them, and why your community should do so.

Upcoming Webinar: Pursuing American Rescue Plan Funding for Kids!
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 2 p.m. EDT/ 11 a.m. PDT

Are you a local policymaker, local intermediary organization, or local funder grappling with how best to leverage your community’s American Rescue Plan resources to help kids? Then join us and our partners, StriveTogether and Results for America, for a webinar tomorrow.

During the webinar, you’ll hear how local advocates are using American Rescue Plan funds to take concrete actions that benefit children and youth. Panelists will share their successes, challenges, and the lessons they learned while pursuing and implementing the funding. They also will share ideas for planning for the forthcoming second disbursement of American Rescue Plan funds. Webinar attendees will have an opportunity to meet with our panelists in small-group break-out rooms during the session.

Our Team Is Growing!

During the past six months, several new faces have joined our team at Children’s Funding Project. Click below to learn more about our newest staff members. For more opportunities to join our growing team, see our careers page.

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