Those who participated agreed that the various ministry sites — like the Refugee Resource Center directed by Sister Rita Mary Harwood, SND — expanded their horizons and opened them up to different cultures and walks of life, allowing them to see our faith in action! One volunteer observed Sister Rita Mary meeting with a mother, her teenage son, and baby. They were recent refugees and new to this country. "Sister gently asked the son what the family might need for their household. The son went through a list of items. Sister, in a gentle way, always responded. 'Is there anything else? Diapers, yes. Anything else? …two coats, OK. Anything else? A soccer ball. Well yes,' (as the teenage son’s eyes opened wide)! Sister's undivided attention to each person was remarkable.”
One volunteer with the Shepherds Beds ministry shared "sanding and preparing the wood of the beds last year was nice. However, assembling the beds in homes and meeting families and seeing children get a new bed with sheets, pillows, and blankets was wonderful and touching. The children had been sleeping on the floor. I plan to participate again next year!”
Everyone who participated witnessed a true blessing from the expressions of gratitude, joy, and love that was exchanged. While the participants gave of their time, the recipients in return gave their gratitude as a gift that will be shared in the hearts of all.
Please enjoy these photos — more expressions of gratitude from our faith community!
— Father Mark