Let's Catch-up: July 2021
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
Coping with Grief
Many of our children are mourning the loss of Miles Thompson, GBN Graduate, 2020. Death is always a hard topic to discuss with our kids, and in this case, it’s particularly difficult and the emotions are intense.
“There are no magic words to offer. It’s not necessary and it’s usually not helpful to try saying something that makes someone feel better. We are better off validating someone’s feelings,” writes Robin Lake, LCSW, Family Service Center. 

Read more from Robin about understanding grief, managing your own feelings, and supporting others who are impacted by this tragedy in the latest entry to the CATCH Journal.  
Local Grief Resources

  • Willow House is a non-profit organization dedicated to the needs of grieving children and their families. Peer support group services are provided in four locations: Bannockburn, Libertyville, Arlington Heights, and Chicago.

  • CATCH has also compiled a list of mental health professionals who currently have openings. Contact us if you're looking for support.
Grief Coping Strategies & Activities
Provided by JCFS

  1. Take things one day at a time.
  2. Seek individual counseling & grief support groups.
  3. Connect spiritually through prayer, meditation, and mindfulness.
  4. Try journal writing.
  5. Be mindful about healthy eating, exercise, and sleep habits.
  6. Structure your day and stay busy.
  7. Find soothing techniques for relaxation and self-care.
  8. Build a support system and minimize isolation.
  9. Explore new hobbies.
  10. Honor and remember your loved one in ways that are meaningful to you. For example: visit the cemetery, make a quilt of favorite shirts, plant a tree, or set up a memorial fund
Parenting Post-Pandemic: Registration is Open
Our children’s mental health is in the spotlight now more than ever, and that’s greatly due to the pandemic, leaving many parents looking for answers to questions like: How do we know what’s going on with our kids? How do we respond?
CATCH & The Northbrook Woman’s Club are thrilled to invite the entire community to a virtual presentation with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson on Monday, September 20, 2021 @ 7pm. She'll teach us The Power of Showing Up for our kids, answer our questions, and help us thrive and prepare for whatever comes next.

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link shortly before the presentation.

CATCH Playlists
Music can be a powerful tool on your mental health journey, helping manage stress and regulate mood. Enjoy these CATCH Spotify Playlists designed to provide inspiration, strength, and relaxation.

My Red Said: Coming to Northbrook
What does your red say? That’s the question you’ll be hearing around Northbrook this September when CATCH brings My Red Said to our community, aimed at encouraging conversations about mental health.

A Barrington therapist launched My Red Said in response to the isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. She asked community members to write messages of hope and inspiration to display on red ribbons around town, reminding everyone that no one is alone in their struggles and it’s ok to ask for help. We’re looking forward to doing the same thing here in Northbrook. 

Watch for more details on where to find a My Red Said Station in Northbrook so you can share your thoughts, read what others have to say, and talk about mental health.
Shop Amazon, Donate to CATCH
Did you know Amazon offers an easy way to support CATCH?

The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate .5% from your eligible purchases to CATCH.   

Setting it up is simple: 

  • Go to smile.amazon.com  
  • Select CATCH as the charitable organization you'd like to support. You may use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile 
  • Start shopping, and you'll see your donations add up each time you check out.

Thank you for selecting CATCH as your AmazonSmile charity of choice!
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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