Quiet your Mind, Open Your Heart, Restore Your Spirit
Cantor Lisa Levine/YOGA SHALOM

Contact Lisa!
T o learn more about
Yoga Shalom other Programming and Music 
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April 28, 2017
Soulful Shabbat
Congregation Kol Ami
Elkins Park, PA

May 13th, 2017
Private Bat Mitzvah Event
Charlston, SC

July 9-14
Ruach Ha-Aretz
Stony Point Retreat Center

November 2, 2017
To Cuba With Love
Brandeis Women of D.C.

November 12, 2017
CD Release:
Bridge To Peace LP
Allysworld Airshow 
Takoma Park, MD



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A few more beautiful pictures: 

Let Freedom Ring 
April,  2017
Adar/Nissan  5777


Dear Friends, 
     In just ten days, some of us will sit down at our Passover tables and recount our journey from slavery to freedom.  We will tell our compelling story which includes a heart stopping narrative of courage, doubt, horrible plagues, miracles, personal sacrifice and utimitately, leaving everything we know behind to seek our destiny in a free land.  Along the way we experience an incredible Revelation and receive the laws of Torah at Mt. Sinai which changes us forever.  We then wander as nomads in the desert for forty years which solidifies our peoplehood. Ultimately we make it to the promised land and begin the work of creating a safe haven. That colorful journey seems so very long ago and yet,  it seems that we are reliving those same struggles today. Creating a safe haven and peaceful world for ourselves and our children is a daunting goal, seemingly out of reach and yet, just as our ancestors did, we carry on!  
     As part of the Deep Ecumenism class I'm taking with Reb Victor Gross,  I've been reading several books about Eastern Religions.  One theme that they all have in common is the practice of mindfulness and meditation to clear out thoughts which cause us suffering. Spending time in quiet solitude, free from noise and the constant chatter and self doubt can help make us healthier, happier and lessed stressed. It can also free us from the chains of our own mind, the constraints of our own making.  This type of mindfulness, I believe, is what compelled our ancestors to seek out a new life in a new land, free from tyranny and injustice.  They wanted what we want: happiness, freedom and time to enjoy life!  
     My prayer for all of us during this season of Redemption and Rebirth is that we take time every day to dwell on the many blessings of our lives!  May our struggle and our suffering be lessened by the knowledge that our journey will ultimately lead us to create a better world for our selves and our families. 



Watch for news about the release of Bridge To Peace LP!  #bridgetopeace #nogunsnowarnomore
Check out all of Lisa's pictures of Cuba on Facebook:  Lisa's Facebook Page

   Purchase Here  

Highlights of March!  
A Puppet Purim performed by the TS Teen and Youth Choirs! Great fun had by all! 
More Purim fun!                Regional YC Festival at NVHC! 
A lovely day with the Temple Shalom YC at the Regional Youth Choir Festival! 
Great snacks after the concert! 

Sunset over the Malacon in Havana Cuba! 
Update: Lisa recorded the final tracks for the LP version of Bridge To Peace with Producer/Arranger Sam Glaser. Watch for the release of Bridge To Peace: Gesher Shalom LP! 

Featuring brand new songs for singing, sharing and bringing peace to the world. #bridgetopeace

Go here to listen and to purchase the EP:

Mending Hearts Making Peace:    A Spiritual Awakening and  Chant Practice for Healing and Wholeness. Here are some highlights from February: 

Yoga at the Amelia Cohiba pool, Havana Cuba.

Drumming circles at Temple Emanuel in Miami Beach and 
Sandy Pond's Body and Soul Studio in Punta Gorda, FL.
Sacred chant and drumming opens a pathway into the deepest parts of our souls and has the power to release stress, stir emotions and open the heart and body to healing and a connection with the Holy. Cantor Lisa has been writing healing music chants and adapting prayer melodies for her embodiment work in Yoga Shalom for years. Now Lisa has written some new deeply spiritual melodies which will help focus your intention on the path to wholeness, healing and inner peace. Practice includes guided meditations, creative movement, drumming, singing and kirtan chant. 


Purchase Yoga Shalom @