News and Updates

October 21, 2022


This Tuesday, October 25th, at 1:00 is the first part of our Fresco Speaker Series!

Digging deeper into the story and art of the Haywood Street Fresco will be local writer and historian, Amy Manikowski, and Fresco model, Robert Stafford. Snacks and drinks will be provided. We hope you can join us!

For more information, reach out to April at

Host a Dinner for At Home with Miss Mary's Meatloaf

This special event supports the Downtown Welcome Table. We hope you will host a gathering of your friends to share stories around the table while enjoying the very special Miss Mary’s Meatloaf meal and watching a short movie produced for this occasion. Watch the teaser video here!

Sign up to Host

Monthly Gifts

A reminder to monthly givers, if you haven’t already updated your giving information, please do soon. Until your gift is updated, we are unable to process your contribution. You can restart your gift online through the donate button at or simply contact Lorili at 828-575-2477 x 109.

Monthly Giving has many benefits. It is easy – set up a gift once and support Haywood Street throughout the year. In addition, you can donate smaller amounts each month (or week or quarter) to add up to help us throughout the year.

Finally, recurring contributions also offer Haywood Street a stable amount of support, which helps with planning and budgeting. Your recurring gift can be made through a credit card or bank account. If you would like to start, please check the recurring gift button when you donate.


Employment Opportunity!

We're hiring a Campus Caretaker to fill a part-time (30 hr/week), hourly position. Click here to see the full job description.

Companion Corner


  • Resources for Resilience Training- An in depth training on how to care for yourself with tools designed to reset the nervous system in the face of stressors and trauma. This is such an invaluable training that you will gain practical tools to use for yourself and others in your life! We have 40 spots free of charge! The training will be November 17 & 18. Read more in the attached document!

  • Companion Orientation November 7th. We will meet in the sanctuary at 5:00pm. Invite your friends or family to attend!

  • Companion Care Crew- The Companion Care Crew is made up of Companions at Haywood Street Congregation who have the time, energy, and a sense of call to support Haywood Street’s ministries and Companions. Our next meeting is Tuesday November 1st at 5:00pm in the main dining room. We will discuss ways to care for companions and improve our ministries for all involved! If you haven't been to a meeting yet or just want to check it out, feel free to join! 


  • Please make sure to check the sign up sheet each week and update it based on your availability or let Katlyn know if you will not be here. This lets us know if we will have the coverage we need each week.
Sign Up

Haywood Street in Photos

Fresco Host, Chas, giving a talk to a group from Franklin School of Innovation.

Our friend, Moose, reading a poem in Wednesday's service

Moose's poem

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:


Sundays at 11:00 and Wednesdays at 12:30 in the sanctuary

Tuesday Prayer Group:12:00 in the sanctuary. Gather for a time of communal prayer 


Thursday Card Making: Group - 10:00am in Room 1 (off the main lobby) - Gather together to make cards for our community and friends in prison or in the hospital. 

Stories & Sermons

Previous stories and sermons can be found at the link below.

Read More

Clothing Resources

Click below to see the list the places in the community to donate clothes and to find free clothes.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Sundays 9-12 

Monday-Thursday 10-2

By appointment, contact April at

Ways to Give

Your gift ensures that there is always enough, and room for everyone, at the many welcoming tables of Haywood Street. 


Sacred Encounters

"Lesson from the Fresco: Patience."

Amy Manikowski

It is hard to believe that it has been three years since the Haywood Street Fresco was finished. I was introduced to the project by Brook van der Linde in the winter of 2018, and began following the artists to document their work.

Everyone came to the work with a spirit of learning - what is referred to in Zen Buddhism as ‘Beginner’s Mind.’ Christopher Holt had graduated from art school twenty years before and had worked on multiple frescos under Benjamin Long IV, but this was his first fresco as a principal artist. 

Anselme Long had grown up under a master artist and graduated from art school, but unlike many of his peers he was stepping into the world not with the mentality that he knew everything, but as an apprentice. Caleb Clark, a talented portrait artist, mixed and placed the plaster in the mornings. John Dempsey III, one of the leading color experts in fresco colors, met with the team over and over, grinding and experimenting with colors to ensure they would work for the specific atmosphere, the precise age and mixture of plaster, and the careful strokes of the imported brushes. 

Every day they showed up early, before the edge of town came to life, mixing plaster and coating the wall in the small area Christopher planned to paint that day. Seasons changed as the colored wall slowly came together into the vision Holt had sketched a year before.

Sometimes it's not just a great idea, or talent, but persistence that pays off. The fresco artists had all of it: vision, talent, skill. But you cannot rush the process - it would have crumbled had they not been tenacious and steadfast. The reaction of pigment with limestone not only lasts, but grows deeper and brighter with time. That is the difference between a spray painted mural and a buon fresco.

This was the calmest and most grounded period in my life, watching this work slowly bloom on the wall. And I reach back for the memory of that peace regularly. As I sit here writing this I’m struggling with the manuscript of a novel I started twenty years ago, and have put aside for many different projects. I remind myself again and again - patience. I know the rewrite now is coming with that extra 20 years of experience and education that is going to make it richer, more impactful. So many people have helped me along the way, from teachers and friends, books and experiences. Not a thing has been wasted as I’ve built my life. Not a thing was wasted as the artists painted lives on the Haywood Street Wall.

That’s why we work on today with dogged patience. Capturing beauty, and holding to the enlightened vision we’ve been brave enough to put out to the world.

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.