Issue No. 239 | June 21, 2022
Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement
俗语 from Xi Jinping
zhì zài sì fāng

Meaning: aspire to travel far and makes one's mark

Original: 你们立志到艰苦边远地区去、到练兵备战一线部队去、到党和人民最需要的地方去建功立业,我感到很欣慰。好男儿志在四方。希望你们坚定信念、脚踏实地,在部队大熔炉中全面锻炼、拼搏奋斗,不断成长进步,为强军事业贡献力量。

Source: Yesterday, Xi Jinping sent a letter of congratulations to the 2022 class of the Army Infantry Academy. It is highly unlikely that you will be interested in the contents of the letter, other than this chengyu that you can use in the future for graduation congratulations.
Weekly Reading: Lessons from Sanctions
Chinese policymakers and analysts are paying close attention to sanctions levied on Russia, looking for lessons to be learned about the extent and limits of American power. The Chongyang Institute at Renmin University issued a report titled 大武器?美国对俄罗斯制裁评估与启示. The link below will take you to one of the launch event presentations, this one being 20 minutes, with powerpoint and subtitles. There are sidebar links to the other presentations and reactions. Really good stuff.

New Publication on
U.S.-China Long-Term Futures
AMS executive director Nathaniel Ahrens recently published a paper at the Johns Hopkins SAIS Foreign Policy Institute that explores a number of key questions related to U.S.-China relations:

The paper explores some critical questions:
  • How are emerging technologies driving U.S.-China competition and where are they leading us?
  • What are the specific military applications and impacts of emerging technologies and how are these impacting societies?
  • Why are think tanks and the broader policy community failing to effectively address this and other complex, long-term challenges?
  • What lessons can we learn from innovative organizations like ARPA, XEROX Parc, Janelia, RAND, and Bell Labs?
  • How do emerging technologies offer a unique opportunity to take a closer look at human dignity? 
  • How can a better understanding of dignity inform a more resilient global order?
  • What new mechanisms are best suited to such an endeavor?

Summer is here! Start now on your self-improvement plan by enrolling in our self-paced, online Chinese course at

You will be supporting AMS while also improving your professional skills.

Please visit the course website or contact for more information. Ask your employer about educational reimbursement!
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