Winter 2024

Making an Impact Through the Joy of Giving

'Tis the season of giving, and our schools, along with local partners, have positively impacted our students and the communities we serve. These entities have gone above and beyond to bring joy and support to both students and the local community.

For instance, kindergarten and first-grade students at Discovery Academy in Toledo, OH, were gifted stuffed animals through a community partnership with the Toledo Police Department.

César Chávez Academy Lower Elementary (CCALE) in Detroit, MI, continued an 18-year tradition created by staff members called the Holiday Outreach Program. They designed this to provide assistance to families in need during the winter season and gifts for their children during the holiday season. They proudly supported 140 students this Christmas.

The Honor Society at César Chávez Academy High School (CCAHS) organized a toy drive to provide 280 toys to their friends at CCALE.

Also, in partnership with Mittens for Detroit, 460 mittens and hats were distributed to students, making this another holiday tradition. Students were excited to have these awesome winter essentials to keep them cozy through the cold months ahead.

For the second year in a row, the Saginaw Preparatory Academy (SPA), in Saginaw, MI, team spent the morning of December 15th volunteering at Saginaw East Side Soup Kitchen where they prepared food and clothes and provided other services to those in need.

SPA students also participated in a coin drive in November raising over $700 dollars. The total was divided between multiple organizations, providing the soup kitchen with $362 of those funds raised! 

At George Crockett Academy (GCA) in Detroit, MI, a team member, Samantha King, provided her students with the ability to buy a book from the Scholastic Book Fair.

The George Crockett Mighty Rockets, GCA's band and dance team, hosted a toy drive to donate toys to the Children's Hospital.

César Chávez Academy Middle School (CCAMS), in Detroit, MI, set a goal of reaching as many families as possible while offering not only practical assistance but a sense of care and consideration. Knowing that many families have multiple members and that their students enjoy sharing with their siblings, the school created over 20 baskets to gift to their families in need. Baskets varied with themes like family game night, cookie night, movie night and more providing support, comfort and essential items to families in need.

Joy Preparatory Academy (JPA), in Detroit, MI, students received coats through valuable community partnerships this season. Acacia Lodge of Masons members distributed coats to kindergarten through second-grade students. That same day, Union Grace Church, a neighbor of JPA, provided coats to the third through eighth-grade students. JPA appreciated such a beautiful display of community.

Academy for Business & Technology Elementary in Dearborn, MI, also received coats this season from the Michigan State Police! A kind gesture from people who serve the community.

East Chicago Urban Enterprise Academy (ECUEA), in East Chicago, IN, shared the holiday spirit through a day of service. Students in kindergarten through eighth grade gave back to their community in a variety of ways. Some volunteered at a nursing home, providing door hangers to brighten the day and assisting with bingo. Others created snack bags for the homeless, made thank you cards for the local police and firefighters, collected items for the food bank and so much more. They were also featured on CWHITT, a local public relations agency spreading good news throughout the community. See their feature here.

These heartwarming stories, celebrations and acts of kindness are what the holiday season is all about. We at the corporate office are consistently inspired by our schools, the students and the communities. We had the privilege of giving back this year to over 50 students across all Midwest schools through our giving tree. Also, through a partnership with Big Family of Michigan, more than 200 students received holiday packages full of fun.

Celebrating the Holiday Season

In December, schools throughout the Midwest celebrated the holiday season by spreading cheer and excitement throughout their buildings. Please enjoy a look at the festivities below!

Hope of Detroit Academy celebrated with Santa and hosted a holiday market involving high school students crafting a business plan as part of their Youth Entrepreneurship class. They ended the year before winter break with a 25 year anniversary celebration! Congratulations Hope of Detroit Academy!

George Crockett Academy students participated in Spirit Week to bring holiday cheer to their halls! The kindergarten students were visited by seniors from Detroit Public Safety Academy and everyone participated in some fun holiday crafting!

At the Academy for Business & Technology Elementary (ABTE), students were gifted books and celebrated with a holiday concert. The ABTE staff also enjoyed an evening together over dinner.

Students at César Chávez Academy Lower Elementary built delicious gingerbread houses and sang their hearts out at a holiday concert. Staff was celebrated by receiving 12 days of Christmas gifts and treats, as well as enjoying a holiday luncheon before the break.

Joy Preparatory Academy Celebrated the holidays with a fun spirit week including a holiday hat day and ugly sweater day as well as an awesome holiday celebration for staff and students, and lastly a holiday program for all to enjoy.

Leona in the News!

Leona school's featured in their local community news!

César Chávez Academy High School Students play with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra

Two students, Brenda and Nikolas share their talents with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

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